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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 7 May headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

#GE2015: the People’s Manifesto 2015

IEA: low-carbon technology spending needs to triple to meet climate goals

EU votes to fix carbon market in 2019

Danish pension savers vote on fossil fuel divestment

#GE2015: let’s play fantasy constitution while suffering under a broken reality


7 May headlines

Al Gore’s business partner warns investors of fossil fuel risks

Two influential investment industry grandees are separately touring the City of London challenging fund managers and pension trustees to adopt radical new approaches to investments in some of the world’s largest fossil fuel extractors. Guardian.

General Election 2015: Greens ‘still talking about the environment’, says Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas, the Green Party’s sole MP for the last five years, was confident of retaining her seat as she canvassed in her Brighton Pavilion constituency on the eve of what she says is a crucial election for her party and environmental politics across the UK. Independent.

Ice cores show 200-year climate lag

Scientists have found a 200-year lag time between past climate events at the poles. The most detailed Antarctic ice core provides the first clear comparison with Greenland records, revealing a link between northern and southern hemisphere climate change. BBC.

A third of Catholics would go green if Pope Francis makes statement on climate change

A third of Catholics say they will make their lifestyle greener if Pope Francis makes an official statement on climate change, ahead of a significant publication from the Vatican on the environment. Independent.

Global carbon dioxide levels break 400ppm milestone

Reduced carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere were recorded worldwide in March, in what scientists said marked a significant milestone for global warming. Guardian.


Interesting picks

Fracking: the energy revolution that shocked the world – Financial Times

How much is the sea worth? – BBC

Could green bonds offer a home for capital fleeing fossil fuels? – RTCC

Photo: KayPat via Freeimages
