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Amber Rudd appointed Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change: the reaction



Newly-elected Prime Minister has appointed Amber Rudd as the new Energy and Climate Change Secretary, with many praising continuity with previous climate commitment.


Maria McCaffer, RenewableUK’s chief executive

We wish Amber Rudd well as Energy Secretary. We are pleased to see continuity at the Department following her role as Energy Minister in the previous government.

We welcome the positive commitments which she has made on reducing carbon emissions, tackling climate change and protecting the environment. We are looking forward to working with her and showing how all the technologies we represent: onshore wind, offshore wind and wave & tidal energy, can help achieve these aims, as well as providing energy security and financial growth for the UK”.

Julie Hirigoyen, chief executive at the UK Green Building Council

Through her previous role as Climate Change Minister, Amber Rudd clearly demonstrated that she understands the business case for energy efficiency and the low carbon economy, and has a strong commitment to tackling climate change.


“Her appointment is important as it not only represents much needed continuity between the previous and new regimes on environmental issues, but hopefully indicates the direction of travel of this Conservative Government on the green economy and climate change. We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with her.”

Paul Barwell CEO of the Solar Trade Association

“We very much welcome Amber Rudd’s appointment as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and look forward to working with her to make sure solar reaches its full potential. We need stable policy support and strong leadership on solar – just one final push could get rooftop solar to zero subsidy by the time this government leaves office.”

“We also hope that Amber Rudd’s experience in finance, her previous experience in the Treasury and her real understanding of the needs of new and growing businesses will mean that she recognises the value that the UK’s thousands of small and medium sized solar companies can bring.”

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK

Amber Rudd’s appointment as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate is a hopeful sign that the government remains committed to implementing the Climate Change Act and achieving a strong international climate deal in Paris later this year.  Ms Rudd was a key player in securing vital reforms to the EU Common Fisheries Policy and championing a better deal for the UK’s local, sustainable fishing sector. We look forward to her bringing the same drive and ambition to securing the clean and efficient energy future Britain needs”.


Simon Bullock Friends of the Earth senior climate change campaigner

“Amber Rudd has already acknowledged the need to boost renewables and increase investment in energy efficiency – and importantly she recognises the devastating impact that climate change will have without action.

“Her department now needs to make urgent decisions to get the UK off fossil fuels, not least by phasing out dirty coal, and reducing our energy demand and carbon emissions through major investment in energy efficiency and clean renewable power.”

Photo: DECC via flickr



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Further reading:

Amber Rudd: Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

#GE2015: Renewable energy industry and campaigners ‘worried’ about future government plans


#GE2015: Greens retain seat but criticise voting system

#GE2015: Lib Dem Energy and Climate Change Secretary loses seat

#GE2015: share of votes, not seats, should confer a government’s #legitimacy


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