Register now for Sustainable September 2014
Today we launch the logo and identity of Sustainable September 2014. Possibly more importantly, you can also register interest in attending one or all of the four debates and our all-day conference. We have limited capacity at our venues so register early to secure your place.
We’ve picked an autumnal theme for our logo as we kick-off as autumn descends. Steve Gibson of thisisgibson.com designed the Blue & Green Tomorrow masthead, so it was only natural we went back to him to design the identity for our flagship event. We hope you like it as much as we do.
Autumn is the time for harvest. The long, balmy days of summer turn wetter and colder. The season is the pause before the big chill of winter, with the trees going from green to a bewildering cacophony of reds.
The speakers, dates and venues for Sustainable September are being finalised but these are the debates we’ll be having.
Sustainable tourism evening debate – w/c September 1
“Growth in tourism is undesirable: it is rarely economically or environmentally ‘good’.”
Sustainable retail evening debate – w/c September 8
“Free trade trumps fair trade in helping developing economies.”
Sustainable energy evening debate – w/c September 15
“Shale gas and nuclear power will address carbon emissions in the immediate term, far more effectively than unproven renewables”
Sustainable investment evening debate – w/c September 22
“The purpose of investment is maximising return, nothing else.”
Sustainability all-day conference – September 29/30
The sustainability all-day conference will bring together 20 visionaries and thought leaders to discuss sustainability, solutions to unsustainability and how we create a blue and green tomorrow.
We want to create an intimate, interactive series of events in iconic venues. Because of this, places will be limited and distributed.
To register your interest in attending all or any of the Sustainable September events, or simply to receive updates, please click here or paste the following link into your web browser: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/sustainableseptember14
Further reading:

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