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Why I invested in the JCC Community Woodheat Co-operative



David Nicholls, a private investor, explains what motivated him to put money into the John Cleveland College (JCC) Community Woodheat Co-operative.

Like most savers I’ve been despairing at the low interest rates available in ISAs and conventional savings accounts, so when the JCC Community Woodheat investment opportunity came along, it immediately caught my interest.

Not only is there a very healthy return on offer, but the very nature of the project chimed with my environmental interests and values. Rather than moan about the lack of serious political action to address climate change, here was my chance to be part of a practical solution.

It ticks so many boxes for me: replacing fossil fuel with renewable energy; the educational benefits of children seeing and experiencing sustainable heating on a daily basis; it’s local (just 10 miles from where I live) and the links to the National Forest.

As a board member of the National Forest Company – leading the creation of a 200 square mile multipurpose forest in the Midlands – the JCC project’s aim to source wood fuel from the National Forest is very welcome.


Last but not least, I know some of the individuals managing the project and have a lot of faith in their ability to deliver. In fact, writing down these reasons makes me think I should increase my investment!

If you’re interested in investing in JCC Community Woodheat Co-op, you can do so through Ethex.

Further reading:

Ethex: empowering education into ethical investment

Sustainability at the heart of food and agriculture


Rob Hopkins: Transition Towns is the only ethically defensible thing to do

Harnessing the power of a community

The Guide to Sustainable Investment 2013


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