
6 Super Easy Ways To Reduce Energy Waste



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You probably believe that you are serious about living green. Unfortunately, even many people that try to live green lifestyles don’t do nearly enough.

Energy Central released a terrifying report back in 2013. They showed that the United States is leading the world in energy waste. This is most evident with the transportation sector, where 71% of all energy is wasted.

If you are really committed to living an eco-friendly lifestyle, then you need to look for ways to save energy. Fortunately, there are a lot of energy saving ideas that you can try.

What Steps Can You Take to Start Saving on Energy

From protecting the environment to lowering the cost of monthly utility bills, finding ways to curb utility consumption and to reduce everyday energy waste can have many benefits. The growing number of home and property owners who are interested in sustainability means that there are more options, resources and solutions for creating an energy-efficient household or a sustainable business than ever before. From smart thermostats and solar installations to changing your everyday habits and routines, reducing energy usage and waste could prove to be far easier than you might expect.


Unfortunately, many Americans are not going to go very far to save energy. An AP-NORC poll found that the steps people take depend on their level of convenience. Although 90% of people will turn off lights that aren’t being used, only 20% of people will be willing to take public transportation regularly.

The good news is that there are a lot of energy saving changes you can make without being too much of an inconvenience. You can find them below.

Creating an Energy-Efficient Household

The chance to lower water bills and utility costs is an opportunity that few homeowners may not want to pass up. Upgrading to high-efficiency appliances and fixtures, inspecting your home’s insulation or replacing outdated window installations can all be effective ways to reduce wasted electricity. While replacing major home appliances or investing in a home-solar installation may entail considerable expense, low-interest loans, tax benefits and other financial incentives may be available that can help to lower initial costs

Minimizing Heating and Cooling Costs

A home’s HVAC and climate-control system often accounts for the bulk of household energy use, especially in regions where extreme seasonal temperatures are common. While low-flow plumbing fixtures help cut water usage and double-pane windows serve to minimize unwanted heat transfer, ensuring more efficient heating and cooling often means upgrading HVAC equipment. While a new AC unit or a high-end furnace often comes with a hefty price tag, an energy-efficient system can make a real difference in monthly utility costs and may even be able to pay for itself over time.


Benefits of a Green and Sustainable Lifestyle

While an energy-efficient household is often the single biggest way to practice sustainability, there are still plenty of opportunities to go green that can be found outside the home. Using a conventional vehicle for your daily commute could be wasting more energy than you realize. Purchasing an electric vehicle or making the effort to carpool or use mass transit could have a substantial impact on your annual emissions and personal energy consumption. Seeking out locally-grown foods and products that have been manufactured or shipped using sustainable methods is something else you may wish to consider.

Seeking Out Alternative Energy Options

Utility providers who make use of alternative energy can be a real asset. Switching to a different provider or learning more about any alternative energy options that your current utility service offers is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. For home and business owners who are serious about energy efficiency, generating clean, renewable power on-site is often the best solution. A solar-powered water heater, solar panels or the addition of either a rooftop or backyard wind turbine can allow property owners to create a far more efficient and sustainable property.

Home and Business Solar Installations

While a wind turbine can save property owners on their electric bills, buying solar panels often provides a far greater return on investment. The most effective wind turbines are industrial models that are far too large for most residential or even commercial properties to utilize. By contrast, the energy output and overall efficiency of consumer-grade solar panels has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. Owners will also have no shortage of installation options, regardless of the size of their property. For home and business owners who are interested in lowering or even eliminating their monthly electric bill, solar installations are often able to provide the best overall value.

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Not every effort to minimize wasted energy needs to be a major undertaking. Even little changes can quickly add up and some of the most effective ways to promote sustainability won’t even require you to make a purchase. Reducing the temperature setting on your thermostat, taking shorter showers, biking to work or picking the right time of day to water your lawn or garden are all effective ways for property owners to reduce their utility use and to ensure that energy waste is less likely to be an issue.


Maintaining a more sustainable home, business or lifestyle can benefit the environment while minimizing utility costs. Energy-efficient fixtures, appliances and even changes to your everyday routine could end up making a real difference.


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