
Christian Aid Want to See More Climate Progress



The United Nations (UN) talks in Bonn, Germany came to a close yesterday, and whilst some progress has been made, Christian Aid are urging countries to deliver the promises made in Paris last December. They warn that a lack of positive progress will only exacerbate the current climate problem and more focus is needed on renewables.

Mohamed Adow, Senior Climate Change Advisor at Christian Aid, said: “The Paris summit marked a historic moment but as they stand the national emissions reductions pledges are inadequate to prevent dangerous warming.

“In Bonn countries made progress on developing a way forward around emissions, adaptation and how nations would be held accountable, but the real progress needs to be made later this year.”

The next United Nations gathering will take place in Marrakesh, Morocco, in November.

Mohamed Adow added: “Marrakesh needs to be seen as the Renewables COP.  It offers an enormous opportunity to shift the conversation from grand political rhetoric to the implementation of short-term concrete actions which will keep the agreed temperature goals of 1.5C and 2C within reach. 


“In Marrakesh countries must support the urgent need for more renewable energy in developing countries. There are exciting enterprises like the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative and the Solar Alliance which were launched in Paris and are building on the global need for renewable energy.

“COP 22 should deliver a global programme on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Climate change is not merely an issue of cutting carbon pollution; it’s also about ensuring energy access to the poor and supporting those who are particularly vulnerable to climate impacts.”

Mr Adow also said it was time for developed countries to finally honour their finance promises.

He said: “In Marrakesh, rich countries will have to present their roadmap towards meeting their $100 billion a year climate finance commitment.  They cannot postpone it any further. Poor countries are rightly asking them to deliver their promises of finance and adaptation support.  The meeting on African soil would be a fitting place to do this.


“As the French pass the baton on to the Moroccans, they need to accelerate towards the finish line of really embedding the progress made in Paris.”


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