
#COP21: Top of the COPs – The Most Read Articles On Blue & Green



Here’s the countdown of the most popular COP21 articles as read by the our awesome Blue & Green community since we started writing about it back in the dim and distant past.

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In at number 10: Modi and Hollande Launch International Solar Alliance

As the Paris climate summit begins, Prime Minister Modi is poised to unveil a solar partnership, leading a group of over a hundred countries for a radical solar energy plan that can inject momentum in the tricky negotiations; most of which rest on securing the rights of countries to develop. Solving the energy conundrum is central to the global climate challenge; and a first of its kind solar club could bring countries together for faster energy access through clean and renewable energy.

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At Number 9 – Major Economies Declare Support for 1.5°C

The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) today acknowledged the declaration of support from Germany and France for strengthening of the 2 degrees long-term UNFCCC goal to the safer below 1.5°C goal at the UN Climate Conference at Paris (COP21). Recognizing this change of position, now 108 countries have clearly voiced support for the 1.5°C target, including the first major developed economies.

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At Number 8 – UEA Students ‘Hack’ University Campus ahead of Paris Climate Talks

Students at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have set-up a ‘hack’ camp occupying  outside the Vice Chancellor’s office over the University’s continued investments in the fossil fuel industry. UEA a world leader in climate research currently holds over £130,000 worth of shares in in fossil fuel companies including Shell and Rio Tinto.

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At Number 7 – Nearly 1.8 Million People Demand Climate Action In Global Faith-Based Petitions

A total of 1,780,528 million people worldwide have put their names to a collection of faith-based petitions urging political leaders at the COP21 climate summit to take decisive action to curb global warming and deliver a strong, fair deal that helps poor countries adapt to their changing climate.

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At Number 6 – Climate Week NYC ends with leaders more confident of a deal at COP21

Key global figures who will shape the outcome of December’s United Nations climate conference in Paris later this year came together for the first time at a major event at The French Institute in New York today organised by The Climate Group for the finale of Climate Week NYC 2015.

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At Number 5 – Massive advertising takeover campaign in Paris highlights corporate stranglehold

Over 600 artworks critiquing the corporate takeover of the COP21 climate talks were installed in advertising spaces across Paris last night – ahead of the United Nations summit beginning this Monday.

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At Number 4 – China and France conclude bilateral Climate Agreement in advance of COP21

French President Francois Hollande has met with Chinese Premier Xi Jingping in Beijing. Hollande has consistently made climate change a core concern of his bilateral and multilateral visits since formally taking up the COP21 Presidency.  This meeting is timely given the build up to the G20, and China’s role as G20 President in 2016 as well as one of the last set of bilateral between core emitters ahead of COP21.

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At Number 3 – World’s Local Leaders Commit To A 100% Renewable Future

Today’s Climate Summit for Local Leaders will commit 1000 mayors and local leaders to “support ambitious long-term climate goals such as a transition to 100% renewable energy in our communities, or a 80% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050”.

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At Number 2 – Former Champion Of Climate Action Wins Fossil Of The Day Award

Denmark’s government U-Turn on ambitious climate targets earned the country the shameful 1st place Fossil of the Day Award at the Paris climate summit today. The dubious award was handed down to Denmark for stating that it will reduce its ambitious climate targets and nearly halve financial support provided to empower developing countries in their efforts to tackle climate change.

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And Taking The Top Slot At Number One – Belgium Wins Fossil of the Day Award At The Paris Climate Summit

On the very first day of the Paris climate summit, Belgium won the shameful Fossil of the Day Award. The dubious award was handed down to Belgium for stumbling on internal divisions, which is blocking its climate action.

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