
Eco Living Tips to Help You Live a Greener Lifestyle



Most people will agree that going green and adopting an eco living lifestyle is not just a passing fad but an important aspect that has a direct impact on the world around us. Adopting a green lifestyle is not that difficult, yet the changes can make a big difference not only to the environment, but to your pocket as well. From reducing your carbon footprint to saving on your energy bills, here are some top Eco living tips to help you live a greener lifestyle:

Eco Tips to Adopt around the home

Our homes and daily lifestyles are a good place to start when it comes to adopting eco living. Here are some tips you may consider adopting into your daily routine:

– Using rechargeable batteries instead of regular disposable ones


– Stopping physical delivery of magazine or newspaper subscriptions  – read them online instead

– Using cloth napkins rather than their paper alternatives as they can be used over and over again

– Stopping the use of plastic bags by investing in ‘Bags for life’

– Supporting eco-friendly and organic products and companies


– Recycling as much of your household waste as possible to reduce the impact on landfills.

Lowering Energy Use

Apart from being responsible for one of the biggest outgoings for homeowners, the energy we use also takes a toll on the world’s limited natural resources. A good way to embark on an eco living lifestyle is by lowering our household energy use. These energy saving tips from property rescue highlight just how much energy and money can be saved by being smart with energy consumption.  For instance, by using a laptop instead of a PC you can reduce energy consumption by 85% – equivalent to £17 a year in savings!  By fixing something so innocuous like a dripping tap, you can save 5,500 litres of water per year, or £17 in monetary terms.  If you were to invest in loft insulation, not only would your energy consumption plummet, but so would your annual bills – by £140.

Solar Panels are also an increasingly economically viable option, with prices starting at around £4,000 you can make your money back in five years through the money saved in energy consumption.  With some coming with a 25 year warranty  there is a huge amount of energy and money that can be saved.


Reducing our Dependence on Fossil Fuels

The rise of electric cars has made it easier for eco-conscious consumers to do away with vehicles that use fossil fuels and harm the environment in exchange for greener, battery powered models. Other related tips include carpooling, sometimes referred to as green commuting, renting hybrid cars for long car journeys, and walking or cycling more often instead of driving.

When it comes to a greener lifestyle, there are many simple aspects of our lifestyles that we can change in order to live a more eco-friendly existence. The eco living tips above are a good place to start this mission as well as a source of inspiration for more environmentally friendly ideas which you can adopt and not only help to save the planet, but save some money too!




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