
FIBCs Help Businesses Lower Carbon Footprint of Logistics



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There are a lot of ways that businesses can invest in eco-friendly and recycled materials to lower their carbon footprint. One option is to use FIBCs.

Flexible intermediate bulk container is an industrial container designed for storing and transporting dry, flowable products. FPS offers a wide range of FIBC solutions, tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries.  Our FIBCs are made to ensure safe and efficient handling of chemicals, food, agricultural produce and other dry goods. Each of our super sacks is designed with durability and safety in mind.  FIBCs are also known as jumbo, bulk bag, super sack or big bags.

One of the reasons that FIBCs are eco-friendly is that they are easy to reuse and recycle. They are made out of a type of polypropylene that is very durable, which means that it can be used several times. This means that you can lower the amount of waste from packaging materials.

Another reason that they are eco-friendly is that they are very lightweight. This means that they have lower carbon emissions from transportation. They can also carry larger shipments, which helps lower the number of trips that need to be taken. Finally, they are very easy to recycle, so they are great for businesses trying to go green.

 What FIBCs Are Made Of.

FIBCs available through FPS are often made of woven strands of oriented polypropylene, either coated or uncoated. normally measure around 45-48 inches (114–122 cm) in diameter. They vary in height from 100 to 200 cm (39 to 79 inches). Our containers are built to handle demanding conditions, offering reliable storage for materials with capacities up to 1,000 kg (about 2204.62 lb.). However, larger units can store even more. An FIBC designed to transport one metric ton (0.98 long tons; 1.1 short tons) of material will itself only weigh 5–7 lb. (2.3–3.2 kg).

 Types of FIBC Bags

At FPS, we offer four types of super sacks (A, B, C, and D) to accommodate various materials and safety requirements: The variations when looking or super sacks for sale depend on several factors listed below:

1. Product Type: Different materials require different types of FIBC for transportation or storage. These could be hazardous or non-hazardous materials.

2. Load Capacity: FIBCs handle weights between 500 and 2000 kg. Selecting the correct capacity ensures safety during transportation and storage.

3. Safety Concerns (Electrostatic Properties): This is crucial for the safety of materials being transported. Type C and D bags are the best for storing and transporting hazardous or explosive materials.

 Type A FIBC Bags (No Electrostatic Protection)

Made of woven polypropylene (woven PP) and other non-conductive fabrics, static electricity is generated as materials rub against the inside surface of the bag as they are filled and emptied. No static protection is provided by Type A FIBCs. These bags are used to safely transport non-flammable products and should not be used when transporting flammable or hazardous materials or in hazardous locations.

Type B FIBC Bags

Type B FIBC bags are similar to Type A but have a slightly different construction that provides limited protection against static electricity. Like Type A, they lack measures for dissipating static electricity. These bags are used to transport dry, flammable powders, but there should be no flammable solvents or gases around the bulk bag.

Type C FIBCs (Conductive Bags)

Also known as conductive bulk bags, they are designed to handle flammable or combustible materials. These bags are made from non-conductive polypropylene fabric interwoven with conductive threads. These threads must be electronically interconnected and connected to a designated earth during filling or discharging. Type C bags are suitable in industries where explosions pose a concern.

Type D Bulk Bags (Static Dissipative Bags)

Type D bulk bags are made from fabric that includes static dissipative properties. They safely dissipate static electricity without relying on grounding. These super sacks are used for transporting flammable powders or when flammable gases or vapours are present. Type D bags are commonly used in environments where grounding is not possible, such as the food and chemical industries.

 Standard FIBCs Loop Design & Fabrics

 When searching for super sacks for sale, FPS provides customizable solutions to meet your specific needs. We offer various loop designs, including corner and cross-corner loops, and can produce FIBCs in different sizes to match your operational requirements. You will encounter a range of options tailored to different applications.  These bags can vary in loop design, measurements, and load capacity, depending on your specific needs.

1. Corner Loop 

2. Cross-Corner Loop 


Measurements and Volumes

4-Loop FIBCs can be designed and produced in different sizes and configurations to meet specific customer needs. 

Measurements and Volumes

 Safety Factor (SF) According to ISO 21898:2004

Whether you need single-trip or multi-trip bags, all our super sacks for sale meet international safety standards, including ISO 21898:2004.

– Single Trip (5:1): This refers to the ratio of the bag’s tested breaking load to its maximum recommended working load. FIBCs can be handled multiple times but not refilled or reused. Single-trip FIBCs are tested to a 5:1 safety factor, meaning they should withstand a load that is five times the rated safe working load (SWL) without failure during testing.

  – Multiple Trip: For multi-trip bags, they are expected to withstand six times their rated SWL. Multi-trip FIBCs with a 6:1 safety factor cannot be structurally repaired. However, multi-trip FIBCs with an 8:1 safety factor may be repairable in some cases. 


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