
Health and Environmental Benefits of “Organic” Baby Formula



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There are a lot of issues that eco-friendly families need to think about. Some think that they can install solar panels, buy a hybrid and call it a day.

Unfortunately, there are other things that you have to do if you want to live a sustainable lifestyle. You have to think about the foods that you eat. We have talked about the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet. However, there are other considerations to take as well. For example, you need to try eating organic foods if you want to lower your carbon footprint and minimize environmental waste.

Parents of newborns should think about buying organic baby food. Organic baby food can be better for both the baby’s health and the planet.

Why Eco-Friendly and Health Conscious Parents Buy Organic Baby Formula

Breast milk is the best food for most children and should be stored as long as possible. But it’s not always possible for a mother to breastfeed her baby, and in such cases, alternatives like HiPP goat milk formula can be considered. These can be all sorts of diseases of a nursing woman, the treatment of which is incompatible with breastfeeding. There are situations when the milk disappears by itself, or for some individual beliefs or psychological reasons, mothers are not at all eager to feed the baby with their milk. In addition, sometimes the child needs a therapeutic mixture to solve a specific problem, in which case a special formula completely replaces or supplements breastfeeding.


Organic baby formula also has other benefits. As Mayo Clinic points out, some parents buy it because it is better for the environment. Of course, most people wouldn’t buy organic baby formula to help the environment if it wasn’t at least as healthy as other alternatives. Fortunately, organic baby formula is both the eco-friendly and healthy option.

Choosing baby formula

Before deciding which mixture to choose, you need to consult your pediatrician, because he can tell you what you need to pay attention to primarily in each specific situation. In which mixture, the content and proportions of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, for example, if the child is low or underweight, it should be given more nutritious and easily digestible mixtures. The doctor will point to certain components of the mixture if the baby tends to have food allergies.

You should also make sure it is truly organic and sustainable. You don’t want to buy an “organic” brand that is guilty of greenwashing and isn’t actually eco-friendly. Too many brands have been caught greenwashing for us to take them at face value.

And of course, doctors advise choosing organic variants of baby milk mixtures. Since organic production is natural in everything. That is, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or preservatives are not used in growing the products. To become a producer of organic products, it is necessary to pass a complicated and long certification procedure. Each stage of production is controlled by the appropriate authority. Only such products have the right to be marked with the word organic. In addition, an organic brand is not only a quality natural product and good marketing, it is a philosophy that assumes a careful attitude to the environment and health of people.


Looking for benefits in artificial feeding

If you have to put a baby on artificial feeding, do not feel guilty. The child can grow quite healthy and develop on the formula. Let’s look at the positive aspects for mothers whose children are artificially fed:

  1. Baby mixtures are easy to prepare and easy to use.
  2. You do not need to watch the child around the clock, as any of your households can feed him.
  3. The milk mixture is absorbed longer by the child’s body, so the time between feedings is increased.
  4. Artificial feeding allows you to go to work if necessary
  5. Parents need to know exactly how much their child eats at each feeding. When a child is breastfed, you cannot measure the amount of milk consumed, which affects the baby’s satiety. And feeding the mixture allows you to measure it accurately.
  6. These organic options are better for the environment

Organic products – harm or benefit?

What organic products are, even now, not all consumers understand, and their influence on the body is legendary. Some consider organic another fashion; others are confident in the benefits of these products.

Organic production is a modern and high-tech production, carefully designed processes so as not to harm either nature or man, and careful care of animals. This is a radically different approach than on ordinary farms, animals are kept unhindered in the modern livestock complex, feed with a balanced natural feed of their production, so they can be called happy.

So, an organic product does not grow pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. In animal husbandry, do not use hormones, growth stimulants, or drugs. That is, we see a lot of advantages in favor of organics. And if the baby mix is made of organic products, it’s a huge plus to the health bank. It is also better for the environment, since they don’t use pesticides or other practices that hurt the planet.

Advantages of organic milk formula

Highly adapted organic baby milk mixture is made in Europe – a milk mixture that provides your child with all nutrients necessary for his harmonious physical and mental development. Therefore, they tend to be great for people that care about their baby’s health and want to be eco-friendly parents. This mixture is designed to feed healthy children from birth in cases where breastfeeding is not possible. Its main advantages:

  • the product is made of high-quality organic raw materials produced by specially approved suppliers, without the use of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, dyes, and flavoring agents that are eco-friendly and healthy
  • has a protein complex optimized in quantity and quality, providing the baby with energy and responsible for cognitive functions of the brain;
  • probiotics and prebiotics contained in the mixture help strengthen the immunity of your baby DHA and ARA – are the two special fatty acids present in breast milk that play an important role in the formation of the immune system and contribute to the development of the brain and vision.

Organic infant formula is great for both artificial and mixed feeding. European baby food brands are quite high on the baby food market.

What to take into account when choosing a mixture

There is a certain list of features that you need to pay attention to young parents when choosing a formula for your baby:

  1. Age of the child. Mixtures for newborns and toddlers 6.12.18 months differ in composition, as well as breast milk changes its qualitative and quantitative indicators during the baby’s maturation. The manufacturer’s age group is always indicated on the package.
  2. State of the immune system. For children with weakened immunity, mixtures with prebiotics and probiotics have been created.
  3. Presence of anemia. In such cases, the formula with elevated iron content should be chosen.
  4. Prone to colic. For frequent abdominal pains, a sour-milk mixture will work, normalizing the bowel function.
  5. Allergy. Individual intolerance of the product or its components is possible. Its elimination allows the use of hypoallergenic mixtures.

In general, it is necessary to choose baby food together with a pediatrician, who will assess the health of the child and give certain advice. If the baby when using the mixture feels normal, steadily gaining weight, quietly sleeping, and not disturbed by colic, then you have made the right choice. But it is worth remembering that each child is an individual. And what is suitable for the son of a friend, is not necessarily suitable for your child.

Organic Baby Formulas Are Great for the Environment and Your Baby’s Health

There might be a number of reasons that you can’t breastfeed. Fortunately, there are organic baby formulas that are ideal for baby’s health and the environment. Eco-friendly parents should consider buying them.


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