
Saving Mother Earth: 10 Lifestyle Changes To Preserve The Environment



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Just like a human’s body, the environment works better when everything in it is in balance. Unfortunately, not so much has been done to create this balance in nature. Issues such as resource depletion, pollution, the “throw away” culture, and the rise of consumerism have exerted immense pressure on the environment. Even so, the fight to know how to ensure the environment is preserved is not yet over. More people than ever before are now taking the initiative to ensure the right measures are taken to help the earth thrive. If you are planning to join this fight, then here are some lifestyle changes to preserve the environment.

1. Carry Your Bag To the Store

Did you know that the average plastic bag takes up to 1,000 years to break down? These bags also cause the deaths of over 100,000 marine animals each year.

This is such a simple task to execute, yet it can benefit the environment in a greater way. Carrying your bag to the store will help to reduce the number of bags required, and as a result, this will cut down on the materials and resources required to produce these bags. When you bring your own bag, it also means that fewer bags will be thrown into the already overfull landfills.

Despite knowing this, it is easy for anyone to leave their homes without their bags. To avoid this problem, you can put your reusable bags close to the items you usually grab when going out. Better yet, you may place the bag in your car so you never have to leave them behind whenever you go out shopping. Adjusting to this kind of lifestyle will help to preserve the environment in a significant way.


2. Grow Your Food

Dr. Leonard Perry, a professor at the University of Vermont talked about the environmental benefits of growing your own food. Plants help release oxygen into the atmosphere in addition to helping replenish the soil. There are various ways to grow food in your area and even when you think you don’t have enough room for a garden, you can always grow them in containers. Vegetables and fruits are some of these easy to grow plants.

3. Minimize Your Energy Use

It is easy for any person to waste energy – leaving their lightbulbs on and leaving their air conditioning on even when no one is in the house the entire day. This kind of wastage usually adds up. To preserve resources, you need to ensure you minimize wastage by being conscious about electricity usage and you’ll end up saving on electricity bill as well.  Try replacing your bulbs with energy savers, run the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full, and be keen on devices that consume energy even when they are not being used such as the printers, televisions, and microwaves.

4. Buy Secondhand Products

Acquiring secondhand products is an efficient way of ensuring these products do not go to waste. Moreover, doing so will end up saving you a lot of cash which you would have used to buy new items. There are thrift shops in almost all cities which you can always take advantage of. Go to these stores and buy your tableware, books, clothes, and any other items you would find useful. By so doing, you’ll be in a position to save money by buying reusable products and thus helping to save the environment in the process.

The internet also allows you to buy used products at the comfort of your home. There are numerous sites online that are loaded with pre-owned items which people are looking to unload. And when you don’t succeed in finding an ideal site, your local classified advertisements will most certainly showcase some yard sales at prices which are convenient for you.


5. Fix Your Stuff

Instead of rushing to buy something new, you can fix what you already have. In addition to that, people are in the habit of utilizing an item until it completely breaks down and you end up throwing them in the trash. By doing so, you’ll only be adding to the junk that already exists, and this is not good for the environment. Instead of using items to the levels they cannot be used anymore, you can develop a habit of fixing them before they are entirely damaged.

Hanging your clothes after washing extends the life of your dryers as well as your clothes. Learning to sew will help you cover the hole in your denim fabric, extending its life for another year. Good polish, saddle soap, and shoe glue will keep your boots in perfect condition. Lastly, an excellent leather conditioner or wood preservative will keep your furniture in perfect condition for an extended period.

6. Educate Yourself on Green Alternatives

There are so many scary statistics regarding the use of chemicals in residential settings. As an individual consumer, it’s imperative to take control of how chemicals are used to avoid degrading the environment. According to research, some of the chemicals people use in their homes haven’t yet been tested and their impact on humans and the environment has not been ascertained. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is not required to test any chemical unless a risk is likely to occur. In the eighties, the ban of chlorofluorocarbon helped in preserving the environment to a greater degree.

Even today, fortunately, there are various approaches you can take to combat the toxicity of chemicals. Access to the green alternative for any products you require is becoming easily available and most of them are affordable. However, to know what items are available in their alternative form, you need to do research and educate yourself on various matters of the green economy. Approach this change keenly since anything you decide to discard must be disposed of the right way. You can learn about various chemical disposal techniques that are eco-friendly so you can be sure you are not helping to degrade the environment.


7. Use a Reusable Bottle

Remaining hydrated throughout is important for your health. However, it is important not to hydrate yourself at the environment’s expense. Besides being conscious about your health, plastic bottles are not great for the environment because most of them cannot be recycled. Even so, some of these plastic bottles end up in water masses leading to their consumption by marine animals. Apart from that, it takes so much fossil fuel to produce plastic. Fuel extraction itself is a process that degrades the environment, so the production of plastic water bottles and their usage can cause a stress on the environment leading to the degradation of Mother Nature.

8. Drive Electric

Unlike the traditional automobiles that use gas to function, electric cars are safe for the environment since they produce less to no emissions. It may seem obvious, but electric cars don’t pump harmful emissions into the environment when they are being driven. The plug-in hybrids combine the diesel engine and electric motor, producing tailpipe emissions which on average is lower as opposed to the conventional diesel or petrol cars. Plug-in hybrids can also use the ‘electric only’ mode when driving for shorter distances, implying zero tailpipe emissions. Therefore, if you are environmentally conscious and are thinking about buying a car, an electric van is something you need to consider. You can learn more about these cars by visiting car-buying-strategies.com.

9. Start Cycling

The increase in the marketing accessories used by cyclists has seen an increase in the number of people commuting by bike in the United States. This is a much preferable way to carry out some exercises while at the same time helping to preserve the environment.  The increase in the number of people commuting by bike is an important development in the United States since biking helps in reducing more than ninety percent of emission. Unlike the traditional gasoline-powered automobiles, bicycles do not use gas and thus, it will not be possible to pollute the environment when riding one. With that in mind, transforming your mode of transportation from gasoline-powered vehicles to cycling or walking is one of the most significant steps you can take to preserve the environment.

10. Recycling

Recycling of products is not a complicated process, although people hardly do it. A lot of companies dealing with the disposal of waste offer recycling services, so find out if the company from which you buy products offers recycling services as well. Recycling is as easy as using a bin to place your waste products where they can be taken and recycled in the factory. When you are able to support the recycling process, you’ll be in a position to help conserve the environment. You can also help recycle by sorting out the recyclables and the non-recyclables. Make an effort to locate recyclables near you so they can be sent to the right place for recycling.


Final Word

In addition to the above, there’s one more change you can consider when you are looking to preserve the environment – support people who take the initiative to preserve the environment. When a friend discusses their ideas for recycling materials, dive in and give them all the support you can. Although you may not know it, such a move could make a significant impact as far as environmental preservation is concerned.


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