
Blue & Green Daily: Friday 12 September round up



Today on Blue & Green Tomorrow, we reported on plans for oil and gas drilling in South Downs National Park being rejected and a report from the Carbon Tracker Initiative stating ExxonMobil are understating the risks of climate change to investors.

IEA report reveals ‘remarkable’ slowdown in oil demand growth

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted that the growth in demand for oil will slow down in the coming years, largely because of weaker demand in Europe and China, in its September Oil Market Report.

Save B&GT: Two weeks to go – pledge £52 today

Our crowdfunder will determine if Blue & Green Tomorrow will continue and thrive… or fade to black. We only have a short window in which to save the magazine. We want to remain as a thorn in the side of the reckless and unsustainable, while also being a raucous voice for the responsible and sustainable. But we desperately need your help to do that.


Plans for oil and gas drilling in South Downs National Park rejected

The South Down National Park’s authority has unanimously decided to reject a bid by fracking firm Celtique Energie to undertake exploratory drilling near Fenhurst in Sussex, because of the adverse effects the operations could have on the ecosystem and landscape.

ExxonMobil understating climate change risk to investors, says CTI

ExxonMobil is underplaying the risks presented to its business and investors by the need for international action to prevent climate change, according to a new report.


Amazon deforestation rate up 29% in 2013

The rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has worsened and is again on the rise, the government has revealed, saying 6,000 sq km (2,315 sq miles) of forest were cleared in the period up to July 2013.

Co-operative Energy will begin sustainability fortnight with Community Energy Conference

Industry leader Co-operative Energy will open the Community Energy Fortnight 2014 with a conference exploring the rapid growth of community energy, complete with a panel of leading speakers from across the energy industry.


Government’s capacity market could increase electricity bills and emissions, warn MPs

MPs on the energy select committee have warned that the government’s capacity market, which aims to ensure energy demand is met at peak times, could increase greenhouse gas emissions and electricity bills.

SeaWorld faces investor lawsuit following documentary Blackfish affecting attendance

SeaWorld Entertainment, which operates marine parks in San Diageo, California, and Orlando, Florida, is facing an investor lawsuit amid claims it lied about the reason for a decline in attendance after documentary Blackfish was released.


European Commission rejects petition against ‘undemocratic’ EU-US trade deal

Campaigners have today announced that the European Commission has rejected a petition that would force a public review of a secret trade deal between the EU, US and Canada in the European Parliament.

‘Don’t ignore garment workers’, activists tell London Fashion week organisers

Campaigners from anti-poverty charity War on Want have called on the UK’s fashion industry not to forget garment workers, often forced to work long hours in despicable conditions in poor countries.


Warming air temperatures may have caused Antarctica’s Larsen-B collapse

The collapse of a giant Antarctic ice shelf in 2002 was caused by rising air temperatures, according to new research.

Development banks pledge to increase finance for climate change action

The world’s leading multilateral development banks (MDBs) have issued a joint pledge to increase their efforts to help developing nations fight climate change.


MP’s expenses and bills far higher than in 2009

As the parliamentary expenses scandal of 2009 has begun to slip from the public’s consciousness, a new survey has confirmed that MP’s expenses and bills are now £5 million higher than in 2009.

TED talks: A park underneath the hustle and bustle of New York City – Dan Barasch

In an informative, short TED talk, Dan Barasch explains his idea and work-in-progress to create a park the size of a football field, filled with greenery, underneath New York City – using revolutionary solar technology.


Book review: The Establishment: And how they get away with it – Owen Jones (2014)

International bestselling author Owen Jones takes a looks at the British Establishment and calls for democracy. Jones looks at our current democratic system and those behind it that are not held accountable yet have huge amounts of power.

Film review: Disruption (2014)

Disruption looks at the consequences of our inaction when it comes to climate change, arguing that this is an issue everyone can and should be involved in.


Photo: Sanja Gjenero via Freeimages


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