
Blue & Green Daily: Monday 1 December headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Renewables largest power source in Scotland

World Responsible Tourism Awards highlight best in industry

Report: climate change to impact severity and frequency of extreme weather

Pension savers urged to oppose Helge Lund’s £25m pay package at BG



1 December headlines

UN climate talks begin as global temperatures break records

UN climate negotiators are meeting in Peru to try and advance talks of a new global agreement. One hundred and ninety-five nations have committed to finalising a new climate pact in Paris by 2015’s end. BBC.

Fracking risk compared to thalidomide and asbestos in Walport report


Fracking carries potential risks on a par with those from thalidomide, tobacco and asbestos, warns a report produced by the government’s chief scientific adviser. Guardian.

Spain lifts Green Climate Fund pledges to $9.7 billion

A UN fund to help poor nations cope with climate change is nearing its $10 billion targets of initial capitalisation after Spain made a pledge. Bloomberg.

Carmakers stuck in slow lane over fuel data and air pollution, say researchers


Only eight models in the UK met their official fuel consumption figures when checked by a company that says lax testing regime means a huge gap between advertised and real world miles per gallon. Financial Times.

The Chinese scientific revolution aims to tackle climate change

China is becoming the centre of some critical advancements to tackle global warming. Just a few days ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences hosted a small workshop that involved scientists around the world working on a device that measures ocean temperatures. Guardian.



Interesting picks

How close is a global climate deal? – Financial Times

Optimism greets UN-sponsored climate change talks – Economic Times

One year to save the planet from climate change disaster, Ed Davey warns – Telegraph

Could geo-engineering make climate change worse? – RTCC


Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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