
Blue & Green Daily: Monday 16 February headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Cameron, Clegg and Miliband sign joint climate change agreement

8m tons of plastic enters oceans every year

Rising emissions could ‘dramatically’ increase risk of US megadroughts

Fossil fuel industry challenged as part of Global Divestment Day


Countries call on IPCC to make reports more accessible


16 February headlines

Fossil fuel industry must take stranded assets seriously, says Tim Yeo

The chairman of parliament’s energy and climate change committee has joined those warning the fossil fuel industry to take the threat of stranded assets seriously, and believes Shell is wrong to write off critics as naïve. Guardian.


Fossil fuel limits emerge as target deal on warming

Envoys from some 190 nations are taking more seriously the idea of setting a goal for phasing out the pollution from fossil fuels, lending support to the movement against investments in oil and coal companies. Bloomberg.

‘Next Pinatubo’ a test of geoengineering

Scientists who study ideas to engineer the climate to mitigate global warming say we should be ready to deploy an armada of instrumentation when Earth has its next major volcanic eruption. BBC.


Deep divisions remain over future of climate talks in Paris

The EU has criticised the glacial pace of UN negotiations on a global deal to combat climate change due to be signed in Paris this year, a sign of the growing unease among some countries about the eventual outcome of the agreement. Financial Times.

Spy agencies fund climate research in hunt for weather weapon, scientist fears

A senior US scientists has expressed concern that the intelligence services are funding climate change research to learn if new technologies could be used as potential weapons. Guardian.



Interesting picks

Global Divestment Day: ‘We are ready for urgent action on climate change’ – Guardian

Oil slump not necessarily bad new for climate – Yahoo News

Climate change causing more infectious diseases to emerge – The Economic Times


Human capital is the ultimate intangible asset – Telegraph

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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