
Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 6 February headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Why sugar could be next on ethical investors’ list of exclusions

Investment conundrum: solar panels or a pension?

Energy bills are going up – and it is mostly our lack of responsibility to blame

Sustainable investment an ‘irreversible trend’, says ING exec


Government poll: 77% of Britons support renewable energy


February 6 headlines

US shale under fire over thirst for water

Water shortages have put the US oil and gas industry on a “collision course” with other users because of the large volumes needed for hydraulic fracturing, a group of leading investors are warned. According to Ceres, almost 40% of oil and gas wells drilled since 2011 are in areas of “extremely high” water stress. Financial Times.


European parliament votes for stronger climate targets

The European parliament has voted to require member states to meet binding national targets on renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. The 2030 targets are a 40% cut in greenhouse gasses; at least 30% of energy to come from renewable sources; and a 40% improvement in energy efficiency. Guardian.

Scottish independence: Politicians row over energy market post-yes

A row over the future of the UK energy markets has erupted between politicians on the two sides of the Scottish independence debate. Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint believes consumers would face higher energy bills post-independence. BBC.


David Cameron takes over Cobra chair to deal with emergencies due floods

David Cameron took personal control of emergency efforts to help households stricken by floods on Wednesday and promised unrestricted help amid warning of more devastating storms and flood to hit the south-west. Guardian.


Interesting picks

The Green Economy vs. the Greed Economy – Centre for Research on Globalization


Denying climate change isn’t scepticism – it’s ‘motivated reasoning’ – Guardian

Plant-based battery improves solar and wind energy storage – Green Futures

Financial adviser makeover pose ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ – Forbes



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