
How Can You Do Your Part in Being Eco-Friendly?



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The planet is in crisis right now. The global human population is projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030. Unfortunately, only 46% of people claim to be doing everything they can for the planet. The real figure is probably much lower, since most of these people probably overestimate their commitment to sustainability.

We all need to take steps to live a greener lifestyle. Unfortunately, we all have days that we struggle to follow through and practice sustainability.

When you start to make changes in your daily life to accommodate the needs of the planet more, you can see the effects of your choices. And as much as you want your progress to be linear, you might notice that some days are better than others. But overall, you are doing well.

Some days you might save the planet by using a reusable flask whenever you are outdoors while some days you might end up increasing your carbon footprint by accidentally keeping the lights on. What matters is that you are mindful of your actions. Below are some things where you can be mindful of what you do and continue doing your part in being eco-friendly.


Stop buying eco-friendly products to be more eco-friendly

You don’t have to spend money on starting an eco-friendly lifestyle. If you want to be eco-friendly but don’t know where to start, try using what you already have around the house first! If there’s something in your closet that is made out of plastic or paper, for example, consider finding another way to reuse it instead of throwing it out.

Bear in mind that the first step to saving the environment is not buying new things that aren’t necessary.

Set up a compost station in your house

One of the best ways to make full use of whatever you already have is composting. Setting up a compost station in your house will allow you to use all of the food scraps that you have for composting instead of throwing them out. You can also make organic compost from natural waste.

Cut down on plastic products

Another thing you can do to be more eco-friendly is to cut down on your consumption of plastic products. We created over 40 million metric tons of plastic waste in the United States last year alone. For instance, you could use reusable grocery bags whenever possible, and consider using cloth shopping bags for produce instead of plastic ones.


When buying something new, you could also look for alternatives to plastic. And even if you do end up buying plastic products, look into what type of plastic it is made from. There are many different types of plastics – from single-use to biodegradable – that can be used in something like a car door handle and they all have different effects on our environment as well as our health.

Opt for public transport whenever possible

Public transportation is cheaper and better for the environment than owning a car, so it is a no-brainer if you want to be greener. It helps you conserve fuel and reduce emissions. And if you need to drive around, try to limit your trips as much as possible, or consider carpooling with friends or coworkers.

Invest in bio-degradable household products

Bio-degradable products are made from natural or renewable materials such as corn starch, coconut oil, and palm oil. They can be used in place of traditional plastic food packaging and are designed to break down naturally in the environment.

The benefits of using bio-degradable products are numerous: they are better for the planet because they won’t clog up landfills like plastic waste does and they help increase the amount of organic matter in your garden, which will help promote healthy plants and soil.


Bio-degradable products are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some ways you can use more bio-degradable products in your everyday life:

  • Paper bags (instead of plastic) – Use paper bags instead of single-use plastic to transport groceries home from the store.
  • Tampons and pads – Instead of using disposable tampons or pads, consider using reusable period panties or silicone cups.
  • Plastic cutlery – Instead of buying plastic cutlery, you could use wooden and steel utensils to minimize the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills.
  • Paper towels and napkins – Instead of using paper towels and napkins, consider using cloth ones instead. This will help reduce the amount of paper waste that gets tossed away.

Perform equipment maintenance regularly to avoid energy waste

You can do it a lot by changing your habits and this is another example of that. When you regularly perform equipment maintenance, especially on your heating and cooling units, it doesn’t end up using as much energy. Not only can this save you money in the long run but you will also be helping protect our planet from unnecessary waste by controlling the energy consumed by our appliances.

Wash your clothes less

You don’t have to toss your clothes in the washing machine after every use. For instance, you can wear your denim jeans ten times before you have to wash them. But if you are like most people, you are likely washing your jeans every time you wear them. So, if you can see how you unintentionally end up overwashing your jeans – not only causing them to wear off sooner than intended but also squandering water in the process.

Use reusable items

Reusable products are currently the heroes of our planet. They save the environment in more ways than you think. For instance, this reusable flask can be used for years before it has to be replaced with another one. Unlike a single-use plastic bottle, it can keep your hot liquids warm for up to 18 hours and your cold liquids chilled for up to 24 hours. And since it is made of stainless steel, imagine the number of uses you can get out of your purchase and help this small container make a big difference to the environment.

Remember that progress is never linear. Whatever it is that you are doing to help the planet, don’t forget to appreciate your efforts because even the little measures count!



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