
TED talks: Is ‘responsible investor’ an oxymoron? – Andrew Canter



Investors need to start engaging with their money and thinking about how it is being deployed, says Andrew Canter in this week’s featured TED talk.

Canter is director and chief investment officer of Futuregrowth Asset Management, based in South Africa. Speaking at the independently-organised TEDxTableMountain, he issues a rallying cry for responsible investment.

To solve the problem of lack of supply in the market, Canter urges investors to ask for the financial products they want: “What would happen if we all went to the supermarket and asked for free range chicken? The demand would be noted, supply would increase, and there would be more free range chicken. Economics does work.”

If we start asking questions about how our money is being invested, he adds, the days of the casino banksters, rapacious micro-lenders, financial product pushers and fee-orientated asset managers might just be behind us.


To watch this video on the TED website, click here.


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