
Top features of the week: September 14



This week on Blue & Green Tomorrow, we made it past 25% of our crowdfunding target. Please pledge to save us.

Morwenna Kearns also explored how to alter the pattern for Organic Fashion and Textiles Week, and we interviewed Anafon Hydro Project, a community led renewable hydro scheme, about Community Energy Fortnight.

1. Community Energy Fortnight: Anafon Hydro Project

Richard Heasman: The Community Energy Fortnight hopes to raise awareness of renewable energy projects this September. As part of the national event, the Anafon Hydro Project – a community-led renewable hydro scheme – is holding a festival promoting culture, history, but most importantly: sustainability! They will also be launching their share offer – a chance to invest in the energy initiative. Read more.

2. Save B&GT: 17 days to go

Charlotte Malone: Save Blue & Green Tomorrow update. Wow – 23% after a week. Thank you to the 82 people who have already pledged – a staggering £254 each on average. Thank you for your generosity in keeping the blue and green pirate ship afloat so far. Read more.

3. Altering the pattern: Organic Fashion and Textiles Week

Morwenna Kearns: London Fashion Week SS15 is around the corner, celebrating an industry that moves so fast we’re already six months ahead. Meanwhile, the Soil Association is asking us to slow down for Organic Fashion and Textiles Week, a dedicated event within the organisation’s Organic September campaign held to coincide with London Fashion Week – but with a greater emphasis on how our clothes are made rather than on their designer label. Read more.


4. How scientists feel about climate change: Prof Tony McMichael

Charlotte Malone: Emeritus Professor Tony McMichael expresses how sad he is that children may not be able to experience nature in the same way in the future because society is too focussed on money in a handwritten letter expressing how he feels about climate change. Read more.

5. Ethical Corporation’s Responsible Business Awards: celebrating sustainable success

Tom Revell: On September 29, Ethical Corporation will host its fifth annual Responsible Business Awards, celebrating the success stories of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) space. Read more.

Photo: Colin Brough via Freeimages



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