
Protesters enter a fourth day of gas-fired power station occupation



The No Dash for Gas campaign group is still in occupation of EDF’s West Burton power station – three and a half days after entering the facility in protest over the government’s reliance on gas.

The station has been shut down since the protesters arrived at the site in the early hours of Monday morning. Eighty-two hours later, No Dash for Gas says over 8,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide has been saved because of the plant’s inactivity.

The group tweeted, “Every day we’re up here we’re preventing 2,371 tonnes of CO2 emissions – the amount an average home takes 182 years to emit.”

Comments made yesterday by Conservative energy minister John Hayes have made No Dash for Gas “more determined” to continue occupying the power station, according to Anneka Kelly, one of the campaigners. Hayes said that he wanted a halt on onshore wind development, but has since been chastised for his remarks by the Lib Dem energy secretary, Ed Davey.


If [Hayes] succeeds in killing the UK wind industry he’ll put people out of work, put carbon emissions up and do nothing to bring down energy bills”, said Kelly.

It’s becoming clear that Tory ministers are fixated on building gas plants like this one, while destroying a proven clean technology industry. We have to stop them before the UK becomes reliant on a highly-polluting and increasingly expensive fuel for decades to come.

Just look at what Hurricane Sandy wrought on America’s east coast. The stakes are high; we can’t let the Tory dinosaurs win.”

Eleven protesters are currently in occupation of the power station and five people have been arrested for aggravated trespass. The group managed to connect two of the chimneys with a rope earlier on today – allowing them to “share resources”.


Further reading:

Campaigners occupy power station in ‘dash for gas’ protest

Coalition at loggerheads over energy minister’s wind comments

Committee on Climate Change letter condemns government’s ‘dash for gas’

Why policy is the biggest stumbling block of all for renewable energy



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