
Own a share in Blue & Green’s tomorrow



At last, we’re in the final countdown to the launch of our share offer. It’s been a steep learning curve. It took longer than planned because we only ever wanted to launch when we were absolutely ready, with every i dotted and every t crossed – not least having the most robust business case and securing EIS approval. Now we’re just excited to be at the starting gate.

So what have we got in store for our reader-investors?

A brand new website and app will launch after the share offer. We are joining forces with another leading title in the sector, doubling our readership and impact overnight. We have an impressive Managing Director and fantastic new Editor with forty years combined experienced, helping me steer the good ship. Correspondents are lined up thus far in Europe, North America and Australia, who’ll work closely with the team here in Blighty. A seasoned Events Director is planning a series of small-scale events for the Autumn so we can meet you in person. They’ll be broadcast online if you can’t make it, alongside a weekly podcast.

We’ve lined up deals with nearly forty companies that share our values and vision, who’ll pay us a small fee every time you buy something through Blue & Green. Just follow the links. Buying something you would have bought anyway through those links doesn’t cost you more and keeps us viable. If just one in 20 of our readership bought something we’d be fully funded entirely. Our long-term SRI fund friends and supporters at Alliance Trust, Ecclesiastical, Quilter Cheviot and WHEB continue to be awesome in every way possible.

And the genuinely exciting announcement is the bringing forward of something we had in mind for a couple of years time. Because of a rapidly developing partnership we’ve been able to accelerate our biggest and most disruptive proposition. Post launch we’ll be announcing the creation of a new investment option for financial advisers and investors, which will allow you to invest in a basket of the bluest and greenest funds and stocks. We could tell you more, but we’re in what is excitingly called ‘stealth mode’ by my advisors. Cue James Bond theme.


We’ve also lined up an incredibly impressive panel of strategic advisors to keep us on the sustainable straight and narrow. We’re grateful to them for lending their name, time and wisdom.

So, there you have it. Blue & Green is about to go public. The crew at Blue & Green towers look forward to you joining us on the next leg of our incredible journey.

To register for the prospectus – please click here.



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