
Recent feature round-up

A brace of funds, Fukushima’s nuclear disaster, and community-level energy generation all featured in Blue & Green Tomorrow over the last week or so.



A brace of funds, Fukushima’s nuclear disaster, and community-level energy generation all featured in Blue & Green Tomorrow over the last week or so.

Firstly, Craig Bonthron, co-manager of the SWIP Islamic Global Equity Fund – a vehicle that consults Sharia Law when investing in companies – told Alex Blackburne that it was time to pull our heads out the sand, and start addressing resource scarcity by investing sustainably.

Guest author Jamie Mckenzie described how education is the key to achieving a “zero waste” Scotland.

Charlotte Reid pulled the cloak back on an oft misunderstood financial area and answered the question, “What is an ISA?” on Thursday last week.

After attending the Low Carbon Lincoln conference, Charlotte also wrote about how bringing together local community projects and local politicians can engage people on environmental issues.


Marking the end of Fairtrade Fortnight, Charlotte described an emerging trend of gaining Fairtrade accreditation for universities, businesses and towns.

A year on from the Fukushima tragedy, B&GT‘s editor, Rich Whitworth, who lived in Tokyo for five years, examined the intervening 12 months to gauge public opinion on nuclear power.

And finally, Alex profiled the Legal & General Global Environmental Enterprises Fund by speaking with Simon Ellis, managing director of L&G Investments, about tackling climate change with sustainable investment.



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