
10 Ways to Make your Home Eco-Friendly



It is good news that many people across the world are becoming more environmentally-conscious. Being more eco-friendly will not only help you contribute to a sustainable environment but it can even save you money. Here are ten ways to improve the mechanical and electrical engineering of your home, and make it a more eco-friendly place.

Get serious about water

When we consider the word ‘sustainability’ we often consider that it only relates to energy consumption. But being truly eco-friendly means taking a holistic approach, so you’ll need to get serious about saving water. Firstly, take the time to fix any leaks. Even if there are no leaks there are plenty of lifestyle changes you can make to save water. For example, you should ensure that you don’t run the tap when you brush your teeth or shave. It’s also a good idea to install a low-flow shower-head – these have been shown to save up to 160,000 liters of water for a family of four.

Install a smart meter

Your heating is one of the biggest ways that you use energy. And it can be very easy, especially during the winter months, to leave your heating on for longer than you strictly need it. This can lead to a lot of both wasted energy and wasted money. The best way to combat this is to have a smart meter installed. Smart meters can be programmed so that they only turn on at certain times of the day – for example, beginning to heat up just before you get home, and shutting off an hour or so before you leave the house. Smart meters can are a must for anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint and decrease their energy bills.

“Thanks to smart home automation, households are saving on costs. They can go even further by switching to a green energy provider to reduce their footprint.” Says Akash Makwana, Founder of

Energy efficient light bulbs

I recently read some articles on how to run an eco-friendly household. One of the most important things that they need to do is invest in the right lightbulbs. More efficient CFLs are better alternatives to older, incandescent bulbs.

Energy efficient light bulbs have been around for a long time, but it really has taken a significant amount of time for many people to come around to the idea. Ultimately, though, it really makes a lot of sense to make the switch. Not only do energy efficient bulbs use less electricity, they also last longer, which means you don’t have to spend money replacing them.


Install solar panels

Solar panels are an essential feature for any eco home. Providing you with completely clean electricity they can sometimes even make enough energy to allow you to sell some back to the grid. Solar panels are certainly a long-term investment and it has been suggested that it will take around 20 years for you to break even depending on where you live. But remember this is not just a monetary investment – it’s an opportunity to be eco-friendly.

Invest in Sustainable Furniture

Furniture can be expensive, and many people try to look for cheaper alternatives. However, investing in sustainable furniture early on will not only help the environment, but also save you money down the road as these pieces tend to last longer. You can start small by implementing one piece per room, such as organic baby bedding for the nursery or an office desk made from non-toxic and renewable resources. If you are looking to save money, you can even make your own eco-friendly furniture from recyclable or reclaimed materials.

Talk to sustainability consultants

Every home is different and there’s usually a great deal that a homeowner can do to improve the green credentials of their property. One of the best ways to do this is to speak to sustainability consultants, who will be able to provide you with analysis and ideas for how best to make changes to your home.

Embrace natural cleaning products

Using harmful chemicals to clean is very bad for the environment. When you wash them away you are simply putting them into the water supply. That means water will take more purification before it is safe to use again. But the good news is that in the majority of cases you really don’t need to use them. For most day-to-day cleaning tasks, natural products like vinegar, citric acid from citrus fruits and bicarbonate of soda can be used in place of caustic chemicals to great effect.



One of the smartest ways to improve your home’s eco-friendliness is to ensure that you use as little energy as possible. Investing in insulation is a great way to do this. Good insulation helps hold in the heat, meaning you don’t need to burn energy reheating the home all of the time. There are plenty of places that can and should be insulated including within the walls and in the roof. It can also be smart to consider double glazing any windows that don’t already have it. Also, consider covering any exposed hardwood floors in southwest area rugs. Area rugs are a cost-effective and stylish way to help insulate your home and prevent air from slipping out through the cracks in your floors.

Create your own compost

Don’t waste your kitchen scraps and leftover food – turn them into compost. You would be surprised how much of the food that you currently throw away can be recycled and turned into compost. Simply place a compost bin in your garden and fill it with any food waste.

Buy recycled

It’s a good idea to try to buy recycled products whenever you can. This can include everything from toilet tissue to kitchen roll. Whenever you notice that there is a recycled option available to buy, it’s worth purchasing it. Not only can you buy recycled paper, but you can also buy recycled technology like mobiles, gaming consoles, even recondition stairlifts from thyssenkrupp.

Cook intelligently

It’s easy to be smarter in the kitchen, which can lead to a far more eco-friendly home. One important example is that you can lose a huge amount of heat if you open an oven door during cooking. Even if the oven is only open for a short time it will then need to use a significant amount of energy heating back up. Another big problem is the coffee pods waste. They could be contributing to a global environmental disaster, with billions of the sleek aluminum and plastic capsules ending up in landfill in America each year. Drink your coffee from a conventional drip coffee maker.


Get An Organic Epoxy Garage

Getting an epoxy garage floor can be cost effective, eco friendly and require less chemicals to clean your garage. There are types of organic Epoxy flooring, formulated with organic resins and natural marble that contain zero solvents. This is one of the ”greenest” floors in the industry.
Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Virginia Company, Sunburst Solar


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