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Eco-Friendly Ways to Help Yourself And Others During the Pandemic



From the destruction of wildlife and rainforests to air pollution and climate change, the United States has played a significant role in the deterioration of the environment and its natural resources. As Mother Nature sends obvious and subtle signs of the ecosystem’s rapid decline, the need for change becomes increasingly apparent. While the pandemic-related changes to everyday life have slowed and even reversed some of the damage, American citizens are encouraged to do more. 

If you’re curious about how you can do more to help the environment amid a national crisis, these eco-friendly suggestions are sure to give you an idea. 

Spend More Time Outdoors


One of the simplest ways you can help the environment, improve your health, and save money is to spend more time outdoors. Taking in vitamin D from the sun and the fresh air regularly can improve your mood and immune system. Getting out of the house also reduces energy consumption and costs. Whether you hang in your backyard, walk around the neighborhood, or venture to a nearby park, spending a few hours outdoors makes a world of difference. 

Start a Garden

Drastic changes in the climate have resulted in fewer crops for local farmers. Not to mention, most of the produce found in grocery stores are riddled with pesticides and other harmful chemicals. If you’re unable to purchase organic fruits and vegetables from farmer’s markets, starting a garden is a practical solution. With a personal garden, you can eliminate toxic substances from the growing process for better nutrition. It also ensures that you and your family have access to food in the event of a shortage. 

Weatherize Your Home


The colder seasons are just around the corner, which means it’s time to crank up the thermostat. As an inefficient home results in higher energy consumption and costs, weatherizing your home is an effective solution. Some basic and affordable options would be to put plastic around your windows, weather stripping around your doors, caulk any holes or cracks, and add insulation to the basement or attic. 

Pursue a Purposeful Career

With all this downtime, many people have begun rethinking their career choices. Wanting to do more to find purpose and help others, more people are returning to school, taking career development courses, and starting businesses. How does a purposeful career help the environment? Many colleges and educational institutions offer students virtual learning options from Mandarin Medical Interpreter courses to business management degrees. Online learning reduces the need for paper and transportation, ultimately saving the planet. 

Throw Away PPE


American citizens are encouraged to wear face masks and gloves in public places to protect themselves from the coronavirus. Unfortunately, the personal protection equipment ends up tossed in the streets, parks, and oceans. You can do your part to preserve the planet by remembering to dispose of these items after each use properly. If you’re really passionate about the environment, you can clean up any PPE you find in your neighborhood or local parks and beaches. 

Raise Funds 

There are many non-profit organizations and charities out there doing what they can to save the planet. Why not help them continue their efforts by donating or raising funds on their behalf? You can start a fundraiser on social media, asking friends and family to contribute to the cause. As a way of thanking you for your support, some organizations will reward you with a certificate, promotional products, and discounts to eco-friendly products and services. 

Let Your Voice Be Heard


Your voice is, by far, one of the biggest influencers. By speaking up about what you believe in, you can spread awareness, gain support, and encourage positive change for the environment. You could share information about the planet on your social media platforms, answer online polls and surveys about eco-friendly strategies, sign petitions, inbox your local politicians, and vote for federal, state, and local officials that are adamant about environmental protection. 
Some planets may have characteristics that mimic earth, but none of them are suitable for human life. Essentially, there is no do-over for the human race. Failure to make drastic and consistent changes will ultimately result in demise. While saving the planet requires a group effort, the world would be a better place if everyone does their part. Now that you have the time to focus on what really matters consider trying some of these eco-friendly solutions listed above.

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