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LowCVP Programme Focuses on Climate Change



The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) has revealed its work programme for the next year. The focus of the programme builds on LowCVP’s ambitious targets for 2020 which are in line with the UK Climate Change Act. LowCVP’s programme includes activities involving the entire road transport sector and balances its targets with air quality objectives.

In 2020, to stimulate a decade of change, the LowCVP aims for:

– 5% of the new car market to be ULEVs

– All new buses to meet the new Low Emission Bus criteria

– 5% of new commercial vehicles to be defined as low carbon


– Delivery of the maximum sustainable GHG saving through renewable transport energy

2016-17 priorities include the establishment of a market for accredited low carbon commercial vehicles, the facilitation of collaboration to break down the barriers to an ‘EV-ready power grid’ and support for the creation of a UK market for low carbon ‘L-Category’ (micro) vehicles.

Throughout the work programme the linkages between cutting carbon and cutting local pollution will be considered and a balanced approach taken, working with our air quality community partners.

Taken segment-by-segment, key elements of the new work programme include:


A new phase for the ULEV car market through improved customer information and a consistent policy framework

With new tests and renewed public interest in emissions and fuel consumption, the LowCVP will focus on developing the next generation of robust, consistent and accessible consumer information to clearly show the performance and cost/operating benefits of alternative models.  With a much wider range of low carbon vehicle choices now available, the role of the Partnership is to help deliver mass market consumer demand for the products on sale. The Partnership will also work to help deliver a consistent national framework for local policy actions.

Filling the data gap to help kick-start the market for greener commercial vehicles 

The commercial vehicle (trucks and vans) sector has lagged progress in other sectors, mainly due to a lack of robust assessment methods. The LowCVP will focus on delivering a robust definition of a low carbon truck to establish potential ‘Green Truck’ programmes and support. The Partnership has already developed an accreditation process for low carbon/fuel-efficient retrofit technology and will continue to work with local (such as TfL’s LoCITY initiative) and national officials to further develop and support the roll-out of this scheme and supporting policies.


Showcasing progress in the ‘Green Bus Journey’

In partnership with representatives from the bus sector, the LowCVP played a leading role in establishing one of the most advanced low carbon bus markets in the world.  Over 25% of new buses sold in 2015 were low carbon-accredited. The LowCVP aims to further promote the Low Emission Bus (LEB) market and to communicate best practice, as exemplified by this forward-thinking segment of the road transport industry.  The Partnership has already started on a programme of dissemination activity part-funded by the industry with the first report “The Journey of the Green Bus” published in February.

Meeting European objectives for fuel and developing sustainable fuel frameworks

Increasing the renewable energy contribution is a significant opportunity for the UK transport fuels sector.  The LowCVP will continue to work to break down the barriers to widespread low carbon electricity deployment in transport and support sustainable biodiesel and biomethane use. The potential introduction of E10 (10% bioethanol mixed with petrol) presents a significant opportunity and a challenge. The LowCVP is uniquely placed to facilitate progress in these areas.  There will be particular emphasis on the development of a framework to support the introduction of sustainable low carbon advanced fuels and the requirements beyond 2020 to engender investor confidence in the fuels sector.


Developing the opportunity for micro-vehicles; linking innovators with SMEs

The LowCVP will report on the findings of its ‘L-Category’ (micro-vehicles) study later this year and work to further develop this market opportunity for the UK.  The Partnership aims to continue working with the innovation community to identify solutions and opportunities for the small business sector, supporting the development of a robust, healthy UK low carbon supply chain.

Commenting on the new work programme, LowCVP chairman Darran Messem said: “The Paris agreement has made it absolutely clear that the world is on a rapid carbon-cutting trajectory. The successful countries in this low carbon future will be those whose businesses, both large and small, embrace the opportunities and prepare for a decade of rapid change between 2020 and 2030. 

“We aim to continue doing everything possible to ensure the UK’s road transport community is best placed to seize and lead these opportunities.”


LowCVP’s Managing Director Andy Eastlake said: “The opportunity to engage in low carbon transport has never been greater or more diverse.  Through our member’s commitment and support we aim to keep the UK transport community at the forefront of future developments and deliver on lower carbon and cleaner air.”

For further details about the LowCVP’s 2016-17 work programme, please visit the website.


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