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Christian Aid React To Climate Vulnerable Forum Declaration Christian Aid React To Climate Vulnerable Forum Declaration


Christian Aid React To Climate Vulnerable Forum Declaration



In response to the declaration by the Climate Vulnerable Forum at the UN climate summit in Marrakech, Christian Aid’s International Climate Lead, Mohamed Adow, released the following statements.

“It is moving to see, that despite their relative poverty, the world’s most vulnerable countries leading the world in delivering the goals of the Paris Agreement. They may be relatively small in size but these countries have become titans in the world of climate leadership.

It’s sad that it is the countries suffering first and worst from climate change that need to go furthest and fastest to show the world what needs to be done.

“It’s sad that it is the countries suffering first and worst from climate change that need to go furthest and fastest to show the world what needs to be done. But thank heavens they have done. Now it’s up to other nations to follow their lead.

“These vulnerable countries, which make up a quarter of UN signatories, can see what’s coming down the climate tunnel and they are trying to warn the rest of the planet that our current track ends in disaster. To avoid a life-shattering temperature rise of 1.5 degrees we need countries to switch to 100% renewable energy at a much faster speed. We have the technology, we now need politics to catch up.”


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