Write for us
Whether anonymously, under a pseudonym, or with your name published loud and clear.
Journalism is changing rapidly through a digital and social media revolution. It is no longer the preserve of press barons and elite groups; journalism is now democratic and everyone has a voice.
And though that means there’s a lot of noise and rubbish out there, there’s a lot of great stuff, too.
The role of media has changed. We still write stories every day about the amazing people and organisations that make a positive difference to the world in which we live, but we also promote and publish the most relevant blogs, tweets and articles from our readers.
We want to report on the diverse voices of our audience and beyond—regular people writing as travellers, investors and consumers.
So, if you blog, tweet or write about sustainability we want to hear from you. You don’t need to be an experienced or aspiring writer or worry about article length, spelling or grammar—we’ll tidy that up for you.
We can’t publish everything, but if it’s likely to resonate with our readers or challenge them in some way, you’ll fly to the top of our list.
Join us today by emailing editor@blueandgreentomorrow.com with your thoughts and contributions.