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Ethical retailer of the week: Good Hemp Nutrition



Good Hemp Nutrition produces food and supplements from natural hemp – one of the world’s most eco-friendly crops.

While working in the film industry, Henry Braham and Glynis Murray decided to move to Devon at Collabear Farm in 1996 and soon started to look for sustainable farming options.

As hemp had just been reintroduced in the UK, they decided to go for this plant, which was widely cultivated across the world before its criminalisation. Hemp cultivated in the UK and Europe is THC-free, unlike cannabis.

Among products derived from hemp are hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, animal feed, building materials and fuel.

Braham and Murray initially decided to grow hemp for fibres but soon realised that seeds were a great source of food. “They were delicious. And then we began to learn all about the incredible health properties of hemp seed”, Braham says on the company’s website.


It is very high in essential fats, has about half the saturated fats of olive oil and is the most naturally perfect oil in terms of omega 3 and 6.”

They produce hemp oil, milk and seasonings, as well as hemp protein powder for people focusing on fitness and well-being.

Although hemp is much appreciated for being a ‘super food’ its most remarkable feature is its being a environmentally-friendly crop, which grows pretty much everywhere and does not need chemicals. It is good for the soil and is an efficient carbon- sequester.

The Good Hemp Nutrition team is now the largest producer of hemp foods and ingredients in the UK and in Europe.



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