Statoil has awarded a contract to Isleburn Limited (part of Global Energy Group located in the Highlands and Aberdeen) to build 15 suction anchors for the...
The Save the Mekong Coalition has issued a statement calling for the immediate cancellation of the Don Sahong Dam. Construction on the 260MW project, in Siphandone,...
With the coldest winter in 65 years forecast to hit the UK later this year, founders of Home Quality Mark (HQM) – a 5-star quality rating...
DONG Energy, the world leader in offshore wind power, today announces that it will be supporting International Festival for Business 2016 (IFB2016) as a sponsor. The sponsorship...
Today the London School of Economics (LSE) has committed to divest its £97.2 million endowment from coal and tar sands companies and to not invest directly...
Today the Committee published its advice to Parliament on the level of the Fifth Carbon Budget, covering the period 2028-2032. Carbon budgets place restrictions on the...
Chancellor Osborne: “We’re also supporting the creation of the shale gas industry by ensuring that communities benefit from a Shale Wealth Fund, which could be worth...
Ecotricity founder Dale Vince says “it’s madness” for the Government to exempt energy intensive industries (EII’s) from the cost cutting carbon emissions, given they are the biggest...
On Wednesday afternoon Chancellor George Osborne delivered the first Comprehensive Spending Review of this Parliament. This is the reaction of Scottish Renewables, REA and Wood Heat...
Reacting to minimal announcements of relevance to solar PV in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, the Solar Trade Association has expressed disappointment. The body has commented separately on...
The Chancellor George Osborne has announced that the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) will continue to be funded until 2020, contrary to rumours that it might be...
Scheme to develop “carbon capture and storage” technology at power stations axed. Professor Stuart Haszeldine, SCCS Director: “It has now become clear that announcements made by Chancellor...
Nope, not in the sense of treating with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority. Yes, in the sense of supporting an activity, especially...
An estimated 43,900 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2014/15; the highest number since 1999/00, with 27% more people dying in the winter...
A £200,000 investment package is helping a young North East company take the development of its pioneering solar energy panel on to the next exciting stage. The...