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Blue & Green Daily: Friday 12 September headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

19% increase in people switching bank account

Just half of MPs believe manmade climate change is a fact

Ozone layer on track to recovery, UN says

Consumer demand drives illegal deforestation – report


Sustainable Development Goals need to consider poverty and climate change


12 September headlines

Carbon market volatility to jump on EU overhaul talks

The calmest period in more than three years in the world’s biggest carbon market is set to end. Citigroup, Societe Generale SA and Commerzbank AG say prices will start to swing again after European lawmakers resumed talks on setting up a reserve to reduce permit glut. Bloomberg.


Amazon deforestation jumps 29%

The destruction of the world’s largest rainforest accelerated last year with a 29% spike in deforestation, according to final figures released by the Brazilian government that confirmed a reversal in gains seen since 2009. Guardian.

Scotland’s biggest companies reveal Yes exodus plans

Scotland is facing a wholesale exodus of its biggest companies should the country vote for independence in a week’s time with senior business figures warning that the exit plans are neither a “bluff” nor “bluster”. Telegraph.


SeaWorld faces lawsuit claiming it misled investors following release of Blackfish documentary

SeaWorld Entertainment is being sued after it allegedly lied about a decline in attendance, following the release of a documentary that accused the marine wildlife park of mistreating killer whales. The lawsuit claims the value of company shares was artificially inflated as a result. Independent.

Flawed energy system ‘to add £359m to consumer bills’

Flaws in the design of a key government policy to keep the lights on could add £359 million a years to consumer bills, MPs on the energy select committee have warned. The committee is urging a rethink of the rules for the so-called capacity market. Telegraph.



Interesting picks

Stopping climate meltdown needs the courage that saved the ozone layer – Guardian

We’re saving the ozone layer but climate change is a different matter – Telegraph

Business finds new ways to save water for the future – BBC


2050 weather forecasts: why we need stories like this to tackle climate change – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages

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