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Blue & Green Daily: Friday 19 September round up



Today on Blue & Green Tomorrow, we reported to results of the Scottish referendum, with 55% of Scots backing the union, the projection that the world’s population will hit 11 billion by 2100 and Prince Charles declaring that climate action is the “only rational choice“.

Antarctic sea ice reaches record high levels as Arctic levels hit record low

Scientists have confirmed that the extent in which Antarctic sea ice cover has reached is the highest since records began, as they announced earlier this week that Arctic sea ice had shrunk to its sixth lowest level ever.

Scottish independence: Scots vote to stay in the UK by 55% to 45%

Some 2,001,926 people in Scotland have voted for the union against 1,617,989 who wanted independence, with Scotland’s first minister Alex Salmond calling for promises of more powers and autonomy to be honoured.


Scotland’s decision: a more sustainable United Kingdom democracy

Scotland’s independence debate has dispelled the myth that people are apathetic about politics. What is critical is the importance of the vote and the way the campaign is conducted. A clash of opposing ideas creates a higher turnout.

World population expected to grow to 11bn in 2100

The number of people on the planet is projected to keep rising to the end of the century to 11 billion individuals without stabilising, putting enormous pressure on natural resources, societies, health services and the environment, a new study has said.


Save B&GT: We’ve hit 30% – thank you!

If we can get to 50% in the next few days we can secure the other half. Our average pledge is £208, so we just need another 87 of those to hit £45,000. The average pledge across Crowdfunder is around £52, so we’d just need another 346 of those. Our average business pledge is £1,456 so we would need only 12 more of them.

Prince Charles: climate action ‘the only rational choice’

Action to curb climate change need not be bad for business or contrary to economic interests, but is in fact “the only rational choice”, Prince Charles will tell world leaders at a crucial UN summit.


Leading institutional investors call for ambitious climate deal

Ahead of a meeting of world leaders in New York to discuss a climate deal next week, more than 340 global institutional investors, representing over $24 trillion (£14.6tn) in assets, have called for governments to take action and provide a stable, reliable and economically meaningful carbon price.

Research: stock prices ‘positively influenced’ by sustainable practices

Sustainable investment and profitability can go hand in hand, according to a new report that found sustainable practices ‘positively influenced’ stock prices. The authors of the report predict that including sustainability factors will become the norm in investment processes in the coming years.


UN climate summit: wealthy nations urged to donate to Green Climate Fund

As world leaders meet next week to plot the battle against climate change, representatives of richer nations will be tested for their willingness to foot the climate change bill for their poorer neighbours, the UN has said.

Film review: The Price of Sand (2013)

The Price of Sand investigates the frac sand mining boom in Minnesota and Wisconsin, US. Pure silica sand has seen rapid increase in demand and has become a valuable commodity, leading to mines opening up across the states.On this day in 1893: Women gained voting right in New Zealand


On September 19 in 1893, New Zealand became the first country to pass a bill allowing women to vote, paving the way for others that later agreed on women’s suffrage.

Book review: This Changes Everything – Naomi Klein (2014)

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, from the international bestselling author Naomi Klein, argues that global warming is not about carbon but about capitalism, because a focus on growth and profit is exacerbating the problem.

MSCI identifies governance and privacy concerns at Alibaba


As Chinese online giant Alibaba delivered the world’s biggest initial public offering (IPO), MSCI, a provider of investment decision support tools, has warned that governance and security at the firm could impact on future value.

Photo: Sanja Gjenero via Free Images

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