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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 23 October headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

WWF: ‘warm homes, not warm words’ the key to tackling climate change

UK wind farms better nuclear plants for 24 hours

Business lobby urges European leaders to set ambitious climate change targets

MPs call on government to promote recycling


HSBC boss labels bankers’ bonus cap a step backwards


23 October headlines

Fossil fuel divestment campaign targets UCL and BHP Billiton

The fast-growing campaign to persuade investors to dump fossil fuel stocks has set its sights on a twin target of the world’s biggest mining company and one of the globe’s best universities. Guardian.


Five years, 2,000 scientists and how do you wake people up to climate change?

The US and EU are pushing for a stronger explanation about the dangers of climate change and the consequences of failing to stem fossil-fuel emissions in the UN’s most extensive report on global warming. Bloomberg.

Ed Davey attacks coalition partners over pledge to end wind subsidies

Ed Davey, the energy and climate change secretary, has accused his coalition government partners of ‘reckless’ behaviour for their manifesto commitment to end subsidies for onshore wind. Guardian.


MPs blast bosses’ incompetence for Co-op Bank failings

The crisis that wrecked the Co-operative Bank’s purchase of more than 600 Lloyds bank branches as down to woeful incompetence of former bosses of the bank, a damning report has concluded. Telegraph.

Ex-environment boss in fracking study

The former chairman of the environment agency is to be paid £75,000 a year by the shale gas industry to work one day a week chairing a ‘task force’ on the risks and benefits of frackingThe Times.



Interesting picks

Another global warming contrarian paper found to be unrealistic and inaccurate – Guardian

Which companies do the most to combat climate change? – Bloomberg

7 industries at greatest risk from climate change – CNBC


Sustainable investment chief: This is not ‘an attack on free markets’ – Financial News

Can art inspire climate change action? An ice installation aims to do just that – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages

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