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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 23 December headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Climate change affecting coral reefs across northern Pacific

UK’s largest solar farm connects to National Grid


23 December headlines

The geopolitical game in the Arctic heats up


Ever since a Russian submarine plated its country’s national flag on the seabed beneath the North Pole seven years ago, there have been fears that the melting Arctic ice sheet might portend an aggressive scramble for resources and territory. Financial Times.

Great Barrier Reef at risk from ‘rushed’ sediment dumping plan at Abbot Point

A plan to dump dredged sediment onto a sensitive wetlands area beside the Great Barrier Reef near Abbot Point would lead to much more slurry being pumped into the waters of the reef than officially estimated, a report has warned. Guardian.

Pacific coral shows how global warming is tied to wind


Scientists studying coral in a western Pacific Ocean lagoon demonstrated that strong trade winds have helped slow global warming for the past 14 years. As they stir up the sea floor, the tropical winds are pushing warm air into the ocean, cooling the atmosphere. Bloomberg.

More than one in 10 of England’s wildlife sites ‘lost since 2009’

More than one in 10 of England’s Local Wildlife Sites have been lost or damaged in the last five years, conservationists say. Monitoring of 6,590 of the country’s “quiet, unnoticed wild places in which nature thrives” such as ancient woodlands, hedgerows and churchyards revealed that 717 of them had been lost or damaged between 2009 and 2013. Guardian.



Interesting picks

Make sustainable investing a New Year’s resolution – Investment News

Top business sustainability trends of 2014 – Guardian

2014 wildlife photography award round-up – in pictures – Guardian

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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