Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 7 October round up
Today on Blue&Green Tomorrow we wrote about the fast growth financial services – including those focusing on sustainable investment – are experiencing after the recession.
We also covered the decision by Australian and New Zealand churches to divest from fossil fuels and Nick Clegg’s pledge to develop new garden cities between Oxford and Cambridge, if the Lib-Dem succeed in next year’s election.
Tourists warned over animal exploitation in holiday locations
A leading animal charity has launched a new campaign encouraging responsible tourists to avoid animal attractions, which often conceal a great deal of suffering.
UK could be sharing economy hub, says government adviser
The UK can become a world leader in the sharing economy – also known as the peer-to-peer economy – according to the author of a review commissioned by the government to explore the benefits of consumers offering properties and personal items.
Financial services report recovery as sustainable investment message spreads
The UK’s financial service sector is growing at its fastest rate since the recession, according to the leading business lobby group CBI.
University of Bristol inaugurates new green building
The University of Bristol’s new 13,500 sq m Life Science building has received an ‘excellent’ BREEAM rating for its energy efficiency characteristics, also receiving praise for vertical garden hosting plants and wildlife shelters.
Western Australia church to divest from fossil fuels
The Anglican Diocese of Perth has decided to move its investments from carbon-intensive fossil fuels firms to renewable energy, while also calling on the federal government to scrutinise fracking and introduce carbon pricing in order to tackle climate change.
Nick Clegg promises ten garden cities to battle housing shortage
Deputy prime minister and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has pledged to battle for the development of a string of new garden cities, between Oxford and Cambridge, should his party form part of the next government.
Grocery sector launches campaign to tackle household food waste
The Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) has launched a new initiative to encourage around 650,000 employees at food and grocery companies reducing their household food waste.
Employees working in ‘green offices’ are 15% more productive, study finds
Working in offices enriched by plants gives better results in perception of air quality, concentration, workplace satisfaction and productivity than working in a lean environment, a new study has suggested.
How going paperless can help businesses and the planet – infographic
Eliminating paper can be extremely rewarding for businesses, not only to reduce their environmental impact, but also because it increases security and saves companies money, writes Image One Corporation.
Photo: Sanja Gjenero via Free Images

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