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January’s top 10 green crowdfunding projects



Crowdfunding is a democratic form of financing that allows people to direct their money towards projects they consider important, innovative and socially useful.

Each month, we round up some of our favourite crowdfunding initiatives that focus on sustainability, the environment, education, society – all the good stuff – and this is the January edition. 

1. BNRG Gorse by Abundance Generation

Renewable energy crowdfunding platform Abundance Generation has opened a new solar project in Kent for funding, offering a “win win” for investors.

The BNRG Gorse project requires up to £730,000 for the installation of an initial two 249 kilowatt (kW) sites, and £1.13m to build a possible third on the Isle of Wight. Investors can choose to contribute sums as small as £5.


2. Aftermath – Philippines typhoon documentary

Photographer Sean Delahay is seeking financial support to put together a documentary on the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. All funds raised from the exhibition and print sales will go to affected people.

3. Cambrian Wildwood Project

This rewilding project, endorsed by George Monbiot, hopes to restore the native forest to parts of the Cambrian mountains, making possible the return of lost species such as red squirrel, mountain hare, wild boar. 


4. My Open Road app – Earn rewards for saving energy, just getting around!: This social energy conservation app aims to encourage efficiency, promoting the use of sustainable transportation by providing users with real-world rewards, such as specials and discounts from select retail merchants.

5. Application for Saving the Forests: The designers of this mobile and tablet app, working with a New York development company, aim to reduce the use of paper and prevent the destruction of forests.  

6. Solar Liberator: This appliance, which comes complete with an inverter, smart battery and control electronics, allows you to go solar in minutes, coming in 500W, 100W and 25W for a range of uses.

7. Helping Women Lead Sustainable Change in Rural India: This project will train facilitators to teach self help techniques in ecological business development methods in remote rural regions of India, providing women with a sustainable route out of poverty.


8. Green Tourism Education in Yunnan: A project that will educate villagers in Yunnan, China about ecotourism and refuse management, so they can encourage sustainability in their isolated region.

9. United Planet Faith & Science Initiative: This initiative unites religious leaders with leading scientists, to promote environmental sustainability, institutional and grassroots changes to decrease emissions. 

10. Holy BLEEP Mabel: This political TV ad-campaign plans to highlight the issue of climate change through humour, with the ultimate aim of seeing climate change legislation passed at a federal level. 

Further reading:

November’s top 10 green crowdfunding projects


October’s top ten green crowdfunding projects

September’s top ten green crowdfunding projects

August’s top ten green crowdfunding projects

July’s top ten green crowdfunding projects


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