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The Guide to Ethical Shopping 2012



We’re delighted to welcome you to Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Guide to Ethical Shopping – our penultimate report of 2012.

With Christmas fast approaching, there’s perhaps no better time to begin thinking more about the clothes you wear and the food and drink you consume.

With this Guide, we aim to outline just what ethical shopping means, and why it can and must play an integral part in helping the world’s sustainable economic development.

As American author Edward Everett Hale said, “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

We hope that after reading this Guide, you’ll be inspired to consider ethical options when you’re stocking up.

Click here to download The Guide to Ethical Shopping 2012 (11MB file).

On the go? Download the mobile version (5MB file).

You can also access the report on Issuu and Scribd.

This is the sixth report in our 2012 Guide to… series, in which has already covered sustainable bankingsustainable investmentsustainable tourism and limitless clean energy, as well as a second sustainable investment issue that was published as part of National Ethical Investment Week.


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