SGIP Announces the Release of the 2015 Grid Modernisation Test Bed Survey. Smart grid technology providers are willing to collaborate to help accelerate and reduce the cost...
The UK Government (the Government) has today announced that the UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) will create a ‘special share’ in the company as part of...
One Young World, a UK-based not-for-profit organization, will hold the One Young World Environment Summit May 19-21, 2016, at the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2. Tickets...
The Electoral Reform Society has welcomed the proposal for national parliaments to have greater veto power over EU laws, under the proposals announced by EU Council...
Commenting on the latest UK greenhouse gas emissions statistics, Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod said “Although the final Scottish figures for 2014 won’t be published until June,...
Following news that the Scottish Government is planning to cut funding for climate change action by almost 10%, three cross-party committees of the Scottish Parliament have...
Ahead of the new much reduced Feed-In Tariff (FiT) rates for small scale solar, wind and hydro power coming into effect next week, Ashden is publishing...
Asda has teamed up with Social Investment Scotland (SIS) to launch the UK’s first Social Enterprise Supplier Development Academy, with the aim of increasing the availability...
CAN, the social enterprise for office space, skills and social investment, has announced plans to launch a game-changing social investment fund backed by the huge growth...
Tetra Pak announced today that the company expects to deliver more than 100 million packs of Tetra Rex® Bio-based to customers during 2016, reflecting strong demand...
Food safety, the environment, and consumer choice are at stake, as biotech industry lobbyists pressure decision makers to deregulate a new generation of genetic engineering techniques...
According to the auction website of the convention hosted by Safari Club International (SCI) from today in Las Vegas – an auction touted as “The Ultimate...
GIB and DLL commit £6.9m to Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust’s energy efficiency programme. The project will cut the Trust’s annual energy costs by around £2m and...
Transition Training Fund to support individuals and help sector retain talent. People who face losing their jobs in the oil and gas sector will be helped to...
Sit down for breakfast. Stand up for farmers. The celebrity-fronted multi-platform campaign will run from 29 FEBRUARY – 13 MARCH 2016 and highlight the severe lack of food...