RenewableUK, the trade association representing the wind wave and tidal energy industries, is highlighting the publication of EY’s latest quarterly Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index report,...
A new economy is emerging that requires expanded methods for identifying, measuring and quantifying entirely new forms of business risk and value. Courageous corporate leaders have...
With the rate of electricity generation looking to get slashed once again at the start of October, many people will be questioning whether investing in solar...
Australia’s largest greenhouse gas emitter AGL Energy is next in line to feel the full force of pension fund members demand for climate action through the...
Crowdfunding has become increasingly important as a source of financing for renewable energy, and the platforms are starting to make a real difference. But which are...
In an exclusive interview for World Energy Focus, a publication of the World Energy Council produced by Energy Post, National Grid CEO, Steve Holliday, described large...
The EU’s carbon budget for the period 2021-2030 can vary by a staggering 6 billion tonnes. This gap is the result of important policy decisions that...
Blenheim Palace has installed 196 solar panels which will generate 50kw of electricity per year. Installed at their Bottling Plant and Rural Offices the fitting of...
Lisa Nandy MP and Kerry McCarthy MP have picked up the baton of Caroline Flint and Maria Eagle for the Energy and Environment portfolios respectively in Corbyn’s...
Christian Aid today launches its Big Shift campaign aimed at persuading the UK government and industry to move away from the use of fossil fuels, particularly...
New research suggests that if the UK is to meet its climate and energy goals then the current vocational education and training is inadequate and ill-prepared...
On this day in 2007 the Northern Rock bank received a liquidity support facility from the Bank of England, sparking a bank run, the United Kingdom’s first in...
On Tuesday last week we wrote that we knew people were back from holidays as our readership had surged 50%. We spoke too soon. The first full...
“Missed opportunity” as offshore wind farm is denied planning approval. RenewableUK has expressed disappointment that the Energy Minister Lord Bourne has refused planning approval for Navitus Bay...
On Thursday the UK Government published an Impact Assessment on its plans for the early closure of the Renewables Obligation to onshore wind, a policy which...