Conservation scientists are calling for new approaches to biodiversity monitoring to reflect the creation of a global network of large marine protected areas, in research published...
Seb Beloe of WHEB Group writes on the WHEB Blog (republished with kind permission). After 12 formal negotiating days attended by 150 heads of state and several...
For their consistently impartial and excellent coverage of environmental issues, specifically Changing Climate (Harrabin) and Costing the Earth (Heap) respectively. Two journalists who have made sustainability,...
For making Scotland a beacon of green in the United Kingdom and across Europe. With all the hot air that comes out of Whitehall and Westminster,...
For championing enlightened business and share ownership and providing a clear vision of what responsible enterprise and investment can achieve. Read more about the 2015 Sustainability...
For creating the Ethex platform, enabling community energy and social enterprises to raise money easily, not least the £4.8 million raised for six community energy share...
Sir David Attenborough has been the foremost champion and chronicler of the natural world for more than six decades. This citation specifically relates to his work...
For building an energy company that makes it easy to switch to limitless, clean energy. Also for Vince’s campaigning work – not least on electric vehicles...
For campaigning on fracking, environmentalism, and being an exceptional constituency MP. She may be a party of one in Parliament, but has a more positive impact...
Here’s the articles that were read by most people in the last week. | join our growing community: sign-up to our newsletter and connect on twitter, facebook or linkedin | UK’s Sustainability Personality of the...
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) welcomes the agreement reached following COP21 in Paris, which binds the world’s governments to report openly on their plans...
The Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) has today questioned global pension funds for their failure to follow through on their own climate change commitments, after the...
As the Netherlands prepares to take on the EU presidency, its poor record on meeting climate and energy targets has been thrown into sharper focus, with...
RSPB Scotland has published a detailed 20 year review of the illegal killing of birds of prey in Scotland, which confirms that 779 protected raptors were...
The UK government may face further court action after releasing its latest air quality plan today. Ministers had until December 31 to come up with proposals to deal with...