During the 800th Magna Carta celebrations this year we took a look at the 1215 original and a series of modern ‘versions’ from the US Constitution to...
British MEPs are being pressured by the agriculture lobby to water down proposed new EU air pollution legislation being voted on this week. The National Emission...
In advance of the EU Environment Council a letter from the Prince Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group was sent to the committee of permanent representatives (COREPERS) and attachés....
On Friday Business leaders welcomed the recognition of carbon pricing as an important tool to tackle climate change in the UNFCCC draft text released in Bonn...
If ‘climate risk’ is the probability of climate catastrophe occurring then ‘carbon risk’ is the probability that investments in high carbon companies and assets will lose...
From the Financial Times: “The COP21 Climate Change Calculator was co-created by the Financial Times and Climate-KIC, creators of the Global Calculator. Its methodology was developed with funding...
The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and CARE International have launched a new online campaign #1o5C / www.1o5C.org to gather more support to the global call to...
As the UN climate talks conclude in Bonn today, the baton passes to political leaders to resolve key issues standing in the way of finalising a...
As the climate talks in Bonn came to a close on Friday, Christian Aid hailed the progress made on a global agreement to be signed in...
The last preparatory session of the UN climate talks before the COP21 Paris climate change conference in December concludes today in Bonn. As negotiators leave Bonn,...
At the close of the last negotiating session before ministers, heads of state, and negotiators meet in Paris to finalise what should be a comprehensive, ambitious, and...
The London Mayor’s Deputy Mayor of Environment and Energy has written to the Minister of State for Energy, Andrea Leadsom MP in response to the Government’s...
With just over five weeks until COP21, supporters of the 1.5°C goal and the #1o5C online campaign will gather at the main entrance of the UN conference...
Data analytics platform GeoPhy and pension investor PGGM will join forces to map the global real estate portfolios, which PGGM administers for its clients, on sustainability...
Local Authorities and other public sector organisations will now have the right to contract directly with selected car club providers, including Co-wheels Car Club – the...