Health and wellbeing initiatives take centre stage at UK-wide Sustainable City Awards
The City of London Corporation has announced that the 2016 Sustainable City Awards are now open for entries. For 14 years, the awards have celebrated and honoured outstanding contributions to sustainability across sectors as diverse as buildings, health and wellbeing, climate change and food.
This year’s awards focus particularly on the health and wellbeing category. In April, a YouGov survey found that more than half of all employees suffer from burnout, severe anxiety and physical and emotional exhaustion in the workplace. The City of London Corporation hopes to recognise those organisations across the UK who put staff wellbeing at the forefront of their business strategy.
The prestigious awards, run by City of London Corporation attract the best UK organisations which are committed to sustainable initiatives.
Simon Mills, Head of Sustainable Development at the City of London Corporation, says: ‘The UK-wide Sustainable City Awards are designed to recognise the sustainability initiatives of all businesses big or small across the full range of sectors. This year, we are recognising those businesses and organisations which put the health and wellbeing of their staff at the top of their business agenda.
“We have had previous winners including the sustainable food initiatives, green entrepreneurs and ethical fashion. As an organisation, we are proud to be recognising the sustainability initiatives of such a wide range of businesses and organisations who have worked hard to ensure they are the pioneers of sustainable business development.’
The Sustainable City Awards are open to all types of UK organisations from the private, public and third sectors. Whether entries are from a multinational corporation or a community-run action group, the City of London Corporation would like to hear how businesses are ensuring staff wellbeing. The awards have been designed to allow all organisations, no matter how large or small to compete on an equal basis.
The diversity of the awards reflects the City of London Corporation’s commitment to sustainable growth and its recognition that organisations and firms, no matter what sector, collectively contribute to a sustainability agenda that will benefit current and future generations with jobs and growth underpinning the City’s mandate. From financial markets to fish-markets, and from parks to the arts, since 2001, hundreds of organisations – from cycling and traffic management initiatives to fashion up-cyclers and supermarket chains – have been recognised for their efforts to drive green growth.
The Awards this year will be held in the Lord Mayor’s residence, Mansion House, in March 2016.
To apply for any of this year’s Sustainable City Awards, visit the website for application and entry details.
Critical dates
– 30th November 2015: Closing date for applications
– December-February 2016: Judging
– March 2016 Awards Ceremony
Sustainable City Awards Categories
Sustainable Finance: In association with UKSIF
This category recognises and rewards innovation and best practice in all areas of sustainable investment and finance that support sustainable economic development, enhance quality of life and safeguard the environment.
The Farsight Award: In association with Gresham College, USS and Z/Yen
The Farsight Award recognises the best individual piece of analysis by an investment research institution which integrates traditional financial analysis with longer term issues such as climate change, corporate governance and human capital. Contributors to the London Accord will automatically be entered.
Tackling Climate Change: In association with The Institute for Sustainability and the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers
This category recognises and reward organisations who are taking steps to mitigate the effects of their activities on climate change or to adapt their operations to reflect the impacts climate change will have on their business.
Sustainable Travel and Transport: In association with Campaign for Better Transport
This category recognises and rewards innovative schemes which encourage people to make more use of sustainable forms of travel, transport and logistics, or which reduce the impact of traffic and transport on the environment.
Resource Conservation: In association with the Worshipful Company of Launderers and the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators
This category recognises and rewards organisations that are taking positive steps to improve resource conservation through reducing the consumption of water, gas or electricity.
Building Sustainable Communities (London only): In association with the Worshipful Company of Patten Makers and the City Bridge Trust
This award is for voluntary organisations that can demonstrate their work makes a tangible difference to the sustainability of their locality by bringing people together, especially from across different communities.
Sustainable Buildings: In association with the CIOB and the Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors
This category recognises and rewards excellence and innovation in sustainable building design for new build and refurbishment projects.
Health and Wellbeing: In association with the City of London Health and Wellbeing Board
This category recognises and rewards businesses that have outstanding practice in relation to sustaining the health of their workforce: organisations that are doing really innovative work to recognise that their people are their most important assets, and creating work environments and cultures that promote and sustain all aspects of health and wellbeing
Sustainable Places: In association with British BIDs, the London Sustainability Exchange, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners
This category aims to recognise and reward organisations who work to create unique sustainable characters for town centres and industrial parks- not only enhancing the quality of life of all those who visit, work or live there but acting as a significant attractor for business investment. For more information see the “This Year’s Theme” page on our website.
Responsible Waste Management: In association with the Clean City Awards Scheme
This category recognises and rewards best practice with respect to responsible waste management. Applicants should demonstrate innovative waste management practices particularly with respect to implementing the waste hierarchy of minimising waste, reusing and recycling materials. Judges will also be looking for evidence of how the organisation is tackling wider waste issues, such as compliance with Duty of Care Regulations and engendering pride in the local environment.
Air Quality: In association with Building and Engineering Services Association and Kings College London
The Air Quality Improvement category recognises and rewards innovation and best practice in reducing emissions of air quality pollutants and mitigating the effects of business activities on local air quality.
The Sir Peter Parker Award: In association with BCE Awards and WRAP
An award will be made to the organisation which best demonstrates leadership in sustainability. This organisation will be chosen from the winners and highly commended entries in each of the above categories.
Sustainable City Awards Overall Winner
The organisation that best demonstrates a pioneering approach to innovation and leadership in sustainability will be presented with the Overall Winner’s trophy. This organisation will be chosen from the winners and highly commended entries in each of the above categories by a high level judging panel comprising category partners and eminent guests.

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