Independent SRI Consultancy 3D Investing has developed a philosophy and approach to identify the real heroes of the socially responsible investing world. The approach is fully explored in...
Abundance, a regulated online platform that lets people lend money to renewable energy projects in the UK and share in the returns from generating low-carbon electricity,...
Ahead of Good Money Week, Castlefield, the UK’s leading specialists in responsible investment unveils key considerations and steps to take if consumers are looking to invest...
Winners and Spinners Report 2015 reveals best in class ethical funds but disappointingly also uncovers evidence of ‘greenwash’ in this year’s review of the ethical investment market. Castlefield,...
The 6th Islamic conference of Environment Ministers held in Rabat, Morocco on 8 – 9 October 2015 (the largest convening of Muslim-world Environment Ministers), facilitated agreement...
This morning member companies of the Oil and Gas Climate initiative (OGCI), who provide nearly 10% of the world’s energy, issued a Joint Collaborative Declaration to “express...
China’s increasingly ambitious and committed approach to climate change and low-carbon development is explored in a new report released today ahead of the State Visit to...
Over 30 community energy groups across the south west have today told their MPs that government cuts to renewable energy subsidies will lead to the loss...
Delegates crafting the global climate agreement to be signed in Paris arrive in Bonn next week for the final session before the crunch summit in December. With...
The Government has responded to the Climate Change Committee 2015 progress report. Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and Rt Hon Liz Truss...
Colombians evicted for BHP Billiton coal mine to challenge world’s biggest mining firm at London AGM, weeks after new community eviction A Colombian delegation will grill...
European leaders meeting in Brussels today for the last European Council before the Paris climate summit in December have missed an opportunity to strengthen the EU’s...
The fifth edition of Blue & Green Tomorrow’s flagship publication, The Guide to Sustainable Investment, is finally here, in advance of Good Money Week. | join our growing community: sign-up to...
The SNP are in Aberdeen for their Party Conference. Membership has increased by over 300 per cent since the referendum. All but three of the Scottish Westminster seats are now...
Analysis shows the new green claims of the biggest oil and gas companies are undermined by their support for trade associations that actively obstruct climate policy...