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How to Keep an Eco-Friendly Approach When Gardening



Nowadays, we should be striving more than ever to adopt an eco-friendly approach in all aspects of our life. While eating organic food or using more eco-friendly cosmetics are among our priorities, we should also have the same concern when it comes to gardening. See what sustainable solutions you can implement in your garden.

Grow Local Species of Flowers

When you have a garden, you most certainly want to grow flowers in it and you are probably tempted by all sorts of exotic species. However, if you want to be more environmentally-aware, you should try to plant local species of wildflowers.


Here is why. On the one hand, these species are more resistant to all types of diseases and pests. On the other hand, they help maintain biodiversity as they are the preferred source of nourishment for insects such as wild bees which, in their turn, help nature perpetuate itself by handling pollination.

Plant Trees If You Have Sufficient Space

The benefits of growing trees in your garden are numerous and we are only going to mention a few of them. First of all, they increase the level of oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide which means they ensure a cleaner environment and a healthier place for you to live in.

Furthermore, trees ensure shade during the hot months, thus increasing your level of comfort and, hopefully, helping you use that electricity-consuming air conditioning less. From a sustainable perspective, another one of the greatest advantages of trees is that they ensure food supply and shelter for local wildlife.


Diversity regarding animal species is essential for the environment, especially today when more and more species are threatened by extinction. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even help these species by building homes for them: for example, birdhouses or shelters for hedgehogs.

Grow Fruit and Vegetables

There’s nothing more eco-friendly than growing your own fruit or vegetables. This not only helps you save money, but it also helps you protect nature by investing less in the consumer’s cycle that urges most of us to buy products from the shelves of supermarkets. We all know that those products automatically impact the environment, requiring packaging, transportation, etc.

If you grow fruit and vegetables, you have your own supply of fresh and healthy products. And there are many ways of protecting your garden against diseases in case you are afraid your culture will not develop as expected.


Reuse Everything Nature Gives You

When you’re passionate about gardening, you have to learn how to be savvy with your resources while minimizing your impact on the environment. To this point, try to avoid waste and reuse all the available resources.

Gather, for example, rainwater in containers and use it to water your plants instead of using tap water. The leaves you gather throughout the year can also serve you as they can be used to create compost which is then used as an organic fertilizer.

Use Local Materials


If you spend a considerable amount of time taking care of your garden, you probably also want to enjoy some time outdoors, admiring your work. For this, you need at least a table and some chairs. However, if your garden is large, you can build a pergola or get several benches and also embellish the place with garden decorations.

All these imply using resources and also money. If you want to adopt a sustainable attitude, these resources should come from the local area and, ideally, from recycled materials.

There are plenty of other things you can do to protect nature by adopting an eco-friendly approach in your garden. Every step you take toward protecting the environment is one that matters!

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