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3 Eco-Friendly Lead Generation Strategies Businesses Are Embracing

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Countless businesses are trying to be eco-friendlier. The shift towards sustainability makes sense. After all, 71% of customers consider the environmental impact of a company before making a purchase. However, they don’t know exactly what steps they should take to meet these goals.

If you are serious about helping the environment, then you need to look for eco-friendlier solutions. This includes finding greener ways to reach new customers.

Sustainable Strategies to Reach New Customers

You have seen what other businesses are doing to attract more customers and feel that it is not the right fit for your company. We get it.  This is especially true for companies with a sustainable mission.

You love running a green business, but you didn’t necessarily start a business to become a business person. You are here because you love your products and customers. You also have a social mission, which includes helping the environment.


In this article, we will look at three ways you can bring more customers to your sustainable business, while being yourself and using all your creative abilities to draw attention. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing in order to be successful.

1. Use an ePOS system to Enhance Customer Experience

Customers that love the places they patronize are the perfect walking advertisement. They wear the gear, they talk about their experiences, they take their friends shopping with them, and they mention their favorite establishments on social media.

92 percent of the population believes their friends when they make a recommendation. This means that word of mouth marketing strategies are your number one way to reach more customers. Every time patrons leave your shop happy, there is a greater chance they will mention your business to someone else.

At this point, you may be wondering how to use an ePOS system to increase customer satisfaction and get them talking about you. You are probably also wondering how it helps the environment. The answer is in your enhanced ability to serve your customers like never before. You can also reach your customers digitally without having to use paper, which has a much higher carbon footprint. One study found that the ICT industry alone could reduce its carbon footprint by 80% by switching all communications to digital media.


An ePOS system will ensure you never run out of an item ever again, so when your customers come looking, you will always be in supply. Loyalty rewards programs are a breeze with an ePOS as well, so your customers always feel appreciated. When they scan into your store, you can greet them by name, and offer the latest discounts based on their purchase history. An ePOS lets your customers know you are paying attention, which is exactly what they want to hear.

2. Use Specific Green Marketing Strategies

According to The Guardian, six out of 10 people in Britain recognize global climate change and want the government to step in. The world is moving in a direction where people seek out businesses willing to shift their practices, or that already operate in a sustainable fashion.

Your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint need to come from a sincere desire to lead in the fight to slow down climate change. Otherwise, you will come across as a poser trying to capitalize on the movement.

If you can perfect the balance between simply doing things because you care about the earth, and letting everyone know what you have done, you will develop a gratifying relationship with your customers as well as the planet.


Some good ways to start, are to see if the packaging for your products could be any more eco-friendly. Give away reusable shopping bags to customers who spend a certain amount at your store or come in at a certain time.

Solar panels are an excellent way to cut back on electricity and customers are always curious to learn more.

You could go all-in, hosting an open house to show your community what you are doing to create a more sustainable business, or you could just make sure your efforts are prominently displayed in your storefront.

Either way, customers take note and are more apt to patronize businesses that care about the same causes they care about.


3. Get Involved in Your Community

In recent years, there has been a push to move away from social media and having our faces in our phones all day, every day. The truth of the matter is that we are using our phones just as much as—if not more than—ever, but we still recognize and appreciate the effort to connect in a face-to-face way.

Your business getting involved in your community can go a long way to increase your brand recognition, build relationships, and drive interest. When people see your business out in the community doing good things, it inspires them to come to your shop to see what you’re doing there as well.

There are a few ways you can approach your relationship with your community. You can get out there and participate in what’s already going on, you can invite people into your place of business for a community-focused event, or you can create your own events out in the community. The best strategy is to find small ways to do all three.

Creativity is key, when developing opportunities for involvement. Find ways to get your business involved in current events. Host a community cleanup day. Offer to be an expert speaker. If you are on a street with a lot of shops, get them all together to offer discounts and activities on a special day.


If you have an empty back room, fill it with inexpensive furniture and offer it up as a community space for individuals or non-profits.

The possibilities are endless with this one, so use your imagination and figure out ways your business can get out into the community. This may be one of the most exciting opportunities you have to build partnerships, friendships, and a loyal consumer base.

Make Environmentalism a Top Concern for Customer Outreach

You want to reach more customers, but you also want to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. There are a number of steps that you can take. The three eco-friendly outreach strategies listed above should help;


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