I’m an ethical investor: call for submissions
If you are a private individual and investor and invest all/part of your money sustainably, responsibly, ethically and/or for positive impact, we’d be incredibly grateful if you answered the questions below, and then sent your answers to us. With your kind permission we’ll publish them, anonymously if you wish. Together we can create a more sustainable, a blue and green, tomorrow.
Your responses will form part of our “I’m an ethical investor” initiative. Once we have a good selection of responses we’ll pull them together into a guide.
Questions for “I’m an ethical investor” contributors:
1) Would you describe your investment approach as sustainable, responsible, ethical or impact (or another term)?
2) What made you adopt this investment philosophy/approach?
3) Are you more concerned about social or environmental aspects of the approach?
4) Do you ‘do it yourself’ or use an adviser for investment? If an adviser, do you mind if we ask who?
5) Did anyone try and put you off investing this way?
6) Would you class yourself as a sophisticated investor?
7) Who are you currently investing in that you think others should take a look at e.g. a fund, company or crowd funded project, etc.?
8) Is investor action currently commensurate with the environmental and social challenges we face, and the responsibilities we have? If not, what should be done?
9) Tell us something about you – name, age, gender, interests, what you do for a living for whom if you want us to plug them, or the sector if not
10) Care to send a photograph? Attach it to your email, ideally 200×200 pixels square and under 50kb.
Copy and paste the questions into an email and send your response to imethical [at] blueandgreentomorrow [dot] com.
Please add this sentence to the bottom: “I give permission for you to publish this content anonymously/with my name*” (*delete as appropriate)
We’ll be absolutely delighted if you wax lyrical, but a good test of response length is no more than 750 words in total (about 4mins to read online).
Many thanks in anticipation.
Blue & Green

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