Inadequate Reporting of Methane Leakage Risks Found; BHP Billiton Ranked Best for Overall Disclosure, Hess, Apache, Noble Energy and CONSOL Energy Round Out Top Five. The...
For her consistent campaigning on climate change and human rights, specifically her support for renewables and vocal opposition to fracking. Read more about the 2015 Sustainability...
For successfully leading the charge in Europe on divestment from fossil fuels, but also investment in more sustainable and positive options. To both divest (which isn’t...
For their consistently impartial and excellent coverage of environmental issues, specifically Changing Climate (Harrabin) and Costing the Earth (Heap) respectively. Two journalists who have made sustainability,...
For making Scotland a beacon of green in the United Kingdom and across Europe. With all the hot air that comes out of Whitehall and Westminster,...
For championing enlightened business and share ownership and providing a clear vision of what responsible enterprise and investment can achieve. Read more about the 2015 Sustainability...
For enabling everyone’s investment in clean energy through innovative products, but also for the launch of the innovative peer-to-peer pension. Read more about the 2015 Sustainability...
For leading a company that makes it simple for people to switch to clean energy while providing clear leadership and commentary on developments in the renewable...
For sharing the process of writing his latest book, ‘The Winning of the Carbon War’ – and all the other things Jeremy does which are too...
For creating the Ethex platform, enabling community energy and social enterprises to raise money easily, not least the £4.8 million raised for six community energy share...