Washington Post: The state of New York is investigating whether Exxon Mobil misled the public and investors about the risks of climate change, a move sought...
The month’s nearly over and we’ve seen 44% growth in readership and 30% growth in twitter profile visits. Here’s the articles that were read by most...
An analysis of the major automotive groups shows a link between regulatory compliance, lobbying and potential loss of shareholder value. New research by UK non-profit group...
As world leaders prepare to negotiate an agreement that will frame a global climate change agenda for the next decade and beyond, a new Pew Research...
Tonight, young professionals will join Restore the Earth Foundation (REF) for happy hour at Courtyard Brewery, building the New Orleans wave of the movement that allows...
Students at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have set-up a ‘hack’ camp occupying outside the Vice Chancellor’s office over the University’s continued investments in the...
A project supported by the European Investment Bank to protect Peru’s delicate biodiversity and encourage farmers to grow environmentally sustainable cocoa crops has been held up...
The Volvo Group receives the highest score of 100 points for Disclosure and rates A for Performance when the international organization CDP, reports environmental results in...
The Climate Bonds Initiative, an investor focused not-for-profit organization working exclusively to mobilise the USD 100 trillion bond market for climate change solutions today announced that...
The Schneider Electric Group remains among the best climate performers in the Climate “A” List by CDP for the fifth consecutive year. Schneider Electric is also listed...