Have you ever noticed that wealthy celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio are some of the biggest proponents of green living? That isn’t a coincidence. Unfortunately, there is...
Over the past few years, there has been sweeping change and reform as it pertains to cannabis – both regarding medical use and recreational use. Currently,...
From resource depletion and wildlife endangerment to polar bears changing their diets due to global warming and all types of pollution, our planet seems to be...
If you are passionate about fighting environmental problems, there aren’t many places you can travel to. Most developed countries don’t seem to be making a lot...
Digitalization has become a core aspect of our economy. Over the last few years, it has improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness of organizations across the world. Unfortunately,...
In 2015, the newly elected Greek government disbanded the existing environmental ministry and merged it with a larger ministry with a broader mission. This raised a...
Can technology save us from our unsustainable lifestyles? Some of the world’s leading tech companies are answering with an emphatic “yes.” As a result, technology tools...
The environment is the surrounding where humans live; without a better environment, humans will perish. Sadly, there are human activities such as mining, deforestation, fishing and...
Summers are hard on your electric bill and even harder on the environment – but letting your home reach high temperatures can also be dangerous. So...
In this age of social media and reality television, many people think their worth is directly connected to what others think of them. They improve their...
The Clean Growth Strategy is the government’s commitment to lowering greenhouse gas emissions across the country and creating a UK with a smaller carbon footprint. Put...
There has been, and continues to be, a large concern for reducing CO2 emissions. It seems to many people that it is not getting done on...
The growing focus on sustainability has led to a number of new standards for environmentally-friendly buildings. In 2000, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (also...
For an environmental enthusiast, the best benefit to green home construction is preserving the planet for future generations. There’s even more good to be done, however,...
As hobbies go, gardening is one of the greenest. You don’t expend fuel to drive to your own garden and the only impact you have on...