There are a lot of issues that you need to take into consideration as an eco-friendly consumer. One decision environmentally friendly citizens have to consider is...
In case you missed it, yesterday Christian Aid warned the world that climate change efforts should not be forgotten, a report showed that poorer countries are...
For the first time this year countries will meet in Bonn, Germany to discuss climate, but Christian Aid is urging the world not to put climate...
Christian Aid has released a report that shows which cities are most likely to be hit by coastal flooding in the future. The report highlights that...
Artists, helped by community members and experts, have drown a blue chalk line across Bristol to show which parts of the city would be underwater because...
Some of the largest cities in the US and Asia, such as New York, Miami and Mumbai, are among the most at risk of severe coastal...
Around 1,700 cities, including New York and Miami, will face a ‘watery future’ by the end of the century, with a new study saying sea levels could rise...