Criminal gangs who tricked British investors out of millions of pounds have been targeted in the biggest ever international crackdown on boiler room fraud. The operation...
Joel Solomon answers 20 questions on life, sustainability and everything. Chairman of Renewal Funds, Canada’s largest social venture capital firm, Solomon is a compelling speaker on ethical and responsible...
Canary Wharf is a surreal place. Part theme park, part Alcatraz, it sits on top of a subterranean network of luxury shops: conspicuous consumption underpinning the...
Shares in the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) plummeted on Thursday as the part state-owned bank reported its biggest loss since the 2008 financial crisis. Shares...
The Norway sovereign wealth fund, the largest in the world with assets of $810 billion (£485 billion), recently excluded a mining company from its portfolio because...
Scotland may be “on the cusp” of establishing the world’s first ethical finance hub, according to experts in the field. The comments come ahead of a...
Arguments that sustainable investment approaches are too simplistic and don’t offer competitive returns have been labelled as “out-of-date” by Kevin Parker, chief executive of Sustainable Insight...
Shares in Tesla have hit a record high, after investment bank Morgan Stanley more than doubled its projected price for the stock. The move suggests that the electric carmaker...
A new partnership aims to attract finance for charities and social enterprises from the private sector, allowing investors to do good with their money as well...
Over a third (35%) of people in Britain are unsure about what their bank is using their money for, with 74% saying they would consider switching...
The Green Investment Bank has announced a partnership with a French finance group to fund energy efficiency projects. These include one at Rampton Hospital in Nottinghamshire,...
The president of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has condemned proposals to flood land on high ground to prevent homes and businesses in towns and cities...
The UK has fallen from fourth to fifth in the latest report from consultancy firm EY showing how attractive a country is for renewable energy investment....
The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has appointed Charles Anderson, who has held leadership roles in the insurance industry, as its new director....
Investors across the UK are being urged to call for oil giant Shell to abandon its plans to drill for fossil fuels in the Arctic Ocean....