The BlackRock Investment Institute (BII) state that investors must stop ignoring climate change. A marked increase in climate-related regulations and technological disruption makes it vital to...
Crisis of accountability as 1000 pension and retirement funds ignore member letters on AGM vote. Many of the world’s biggest investors breached their responsible investment commitments...
A free Google Digital Garage workshop has been put on in Liverpool, inviting social entrepreneurs and charities to help them better understand the benefits being online can bring...
EQ Investors (EQ) reveals that the Alliance Trust Savings platform is making EQ’s specialist Positive Impact Portfolios available to advisers. Bringing impact investing to Alliance Trust Savings’ platform for...
Here is the latest quarterly update for the EQ Positive Impact Portfolios. They assess every fund against their 41 impact-based criteria. This update focuses on three of them; financial...
More than £13 million in funding has been committed to a new anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in Nottinghamshire that will generate renewable energy. The new facility...
Macquarie have reached financial close on £900 million of total funding for the Tees Renewable Energy Plant. London, 11 August, 2016: Macquarie Capital, Macquarie Commodities and Financial Markets...
For six years Blue & Green has scoured the UK investment universe for positive options that enlightened investors can use to minimise their portfolios’ harm, maximise...
An historic mansion containing one of the finest collections of antique miniatures in the world is benefiting from being heated by the latest in 21st Century green technology....
A Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) fund called Copenhagen Infrastructure II -including PensionDanmark and 18 other institutional investors – has teamed up with Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor (BWSC) to...
Issued this week by Indian Power Giant NTPC Ltd (NTPC), the Green Masala Bond is a international model of ‘brown to green’ financing. The giant public...
Director of the Institute of Business Ethics, Philippa Foster Back CBE, has been confirmed as the guest speaker at the CISI Financial Planning Annual Conference. The...
The ‘monetary sledgehammer’ used by the Bank should help to restore consumer and business confidence after the EU referendum vote, but decisions on trade and industrial...
Europe’s leading solar energy generator, Lightsource Renewable Energy, has announced the connection of the UK’s first Contracts for Difference (CfD) solar farm with funding worth £8.7million...
More than four fifths of workers would change their job to work for an employer with a better corporate reputation, new research has found. The Randstad...